日期一再延宕的校友會第二次聚會在終於上週日舉行,這次聚會的主角是澳洲知名酒廠Barossa Valley Estate的旗艦酒款~E&E Black Pepper Shiraz。
當天除了三隻澳洲Shiraz之外,尚加入一隻海盜酒,某位慷慨的大姐頭則替大家準備了香檳和甜點。當天的酒會仍然採取Blind Tasting方式進行。不過,當天的難度比起之前的勃根地「調酒」會實在是簡單不少,海盜酒由於與其他酒款的差異太明顯,馬上就被本會太上皇及大姐頭踢爆,內力深厚的大姐頭甚至連年份產區酒廠都全部命中。至於三隻E&E的年份,眾人中悉數命中者不在少數。說來慚愧,個人當天除海盜酒外則是全部槓龜,實在該好好閉門思過一番。
Barossa Valley Estate, E&E Black Pepper Shiraz 1997
Barossa Valley Estate, E&E Black Pepper Shiraz 1998
Barossa Valley Estate, E&E Black Pepper Shiraz 1999
E. Guigal, Cote Roite 1998
Saint Cosme, Gigondas 2002
Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin, Rich Reserve 1996
三隻E&E的香氣基調十分類似,燻烤木桶、奶油及黑梅、香料等氣味融合的相當好。E&E 1997是當中最為成熟好喝的,口感相當的渾厚但不失圓潤,餘韻長度佳且十分甜美,細緻度也有水準之上的表現。E&E 1998則是三隻酒中(相對)較沉悶的一隻。它的顏色最深,口感也最為雄壯,且單寧十分充足;目前喝起來雖甜美,但是考慮到其未來發展性仍顯得早了些。E&E1999在品酒會前段除了酸度較明顯之外,並未給予個人什麼強烈的印象;喝起來甜美不若97、渾厚不若98。不過在經過約三小時之後,此酒發展出濃郁香甜的黑色果實香氣,酸度較之前稍低,整體均衡度較之前為佳。綜合而言,這三隻酒的型態與事先預期的有段差距,不似過去對於澳洲酒的定見。曾聽過不少酒友說過陳年後的高檔澳洲Shiraz會有類似波爾多高級酒的口感,或許再給這幾隻酒一些時間就能出現這樣的感覺吧。
Guigal的Cote Roite帶有香料、黑色果實以一些燻烤風味,亦有朋友覺得像水果軟糖。Saint Cosme的Gigondas 2002則是上次參加隆河酒展的戰利品,有著香料、奶油以及黑色果實的香氣,口感雖甜美但是架構層次稍嫌簡單了些。Veuve Clicquot的Rich Reserve 1996就大姐頭所說是一隻專門為了搭配餐點而設計的Demi Sec香檳,印象中它帶有酵母風味及熱帶水果香,甜度及酸度的平衡感頗佳。調酒風依然盛行,將澳洲Shiraz混入香檳立刻變成紅色氣泡酒(未符合香檳區法定產區規範),不知風味如何?
Barossa Valley Estate, E&E Black Pepper Shiraz 1997
A towering Barossa Shiraz. Distinctively spicy, brimming with prune, pepper and leather aromas and flavors on a rich, supple frame. Resonates beautifully on the finish, and will only deepen with additional cellaring. Drink nowthrough 2012. 2,500 cases made. (HS)
Barossa Valley Estate, E&E Black Pepper Shiraz 1998
Ripe, plush and generous with its gorgeous blueberry, raspberry and plum fruit, shaded with meat and black truffle notes that weave through the long, cushiony finish. Has plenty of power and elegance. Drink now through 2012. 2,500 cases made. (HS)
Barossa Valley Estate, E&E Black Pepper Shiraz 1999
Crisp and lively, a bit tart but juicy with blackberry and floral flavors echoing on the aroma and the finish. Not a huge wine, but a winner for the vintage, offering lots of fruit and depth. Drink now through 2005. 4,000 cases made. (HS)
E. Guigal,
Cote Rotie Brune et Blonde 1998
WS:93 Cellar Selection
Caresses the palate. Elegant, with mineral, red and black fruit and supple
tannins. Seductive balance on the fresh finish, where the firm tannins make
a surprise appearance that suggests a bit of cellar time is needed to bring
out the best of this red. Best from 2003 through 2010. 31,665 cases made. (PM)