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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-11-05 22:42:09

[心得] 國文閱讀 & 國立台灣美術館3.4th

草稿教育應該不一樣 嚴長壽100502205 楊翔雲篇章序文l 教育不是倒滿一壺水而是點亮一根蠟燭l 教改成為美麗口號 老師 家長 執政者 糾結成教育的共錯 犧牲的是下一代的燦爛青春l 不要再深陷升學主義、追求齊一人生的迷...

2012-11-04 22:46:04

[2012/11/4][通識課程] 生命教育

10/16生命教育印象最深刻的就是討論「遺言」- 今天僑生看不懂我寫的意思,就只好記錄+報告了。 我的字有那麼糟糕嗎?・゚・(つд`゚)・゚・ 前略 ... 「我們這組有人的遺言是這麼一句話『我愛你』 ...」 心裡 os. 天...

2012-11-04 22:36:34

[2012/11/4] 除了 ACM,我什麼都不會

除了 ACM,我什麼都不會,但 ACM 我也玩得不好。10/18「看到 Inker 講講自己混這圈子的經驗,不經想到自己也曾經國中每天去找國文老師練習閱讀能力,但很不幸地到現在仍沒搞好國文的語文能力,說話也總是拼拼湊湊。 ...

2012-11-04 17:45:25

[PTC][201210][搜索] Princess's Marriage

Sample Input34 4 1 1 1 14 5 10 20 30 40 505 10 1 6 2 5 3 4 4 3 5 2Sample OutputCongratulationsNOCongratulations2#include <stdio.h>int used[105] = {}, len;int flag, m, n, w[105] = {};void dfs(int...

2012-11-04 17:40:49

[ITSA] 18th 總解答

一個人比賽,還用得著去寫旋轉就太瘋了,果斷打表。#include <stdio.h>char num[10][6][6] = { {"01110", "10001", "10001", "10001", "01110"},//0 {"00100", "00100", "00100", "00100", "00100"},//1 {"011...

2012-11-04 17:32:36

[ACM-ICPC][排容、逆元] 5701 - The Boss on Mars

On Mars, there is a huge company called ACM (A huge Company on Mars), and it's owned by a younger boss. Due to no moons around Mars, the employees can only get the salaries per-year. There are...

2012-11-04 17:24:29

[ACM-ICPC] 5698 - Draw a Mess

It's graduated season, every students should leave something on the wall, so....they draw a lot of geometry shape with different color. When teacher come to see what happened, without getting a...

2012-11-04 17:22:05

[ACM-ICPC] 5696 - Hexadecimal View

Hexadecimal is very important and useful for computer programmers. You are requested to provide a hexadecimal view for given data. The hexadecimal view is made up of one or more rows. Every row ex...

2012-11-03 17:31:55

[ACM-ICPC][搜索] 5729 - Coalescing Continents

Continental drift refers to the idea that once the earth’s continents were all in one piece and with time they drifted away from each other and arrived at their present positions. In this proble...

2012-11-03 17:28:13

[ACM-ICPC][本地建表] 5726 - Twin Apparent Primes!!

Prime numbers have very interesting applications in Computer Science. This problem is obviously related with prime numbers but you need to know the following two definitions to solve this problem. ...

2012-11-03 17:22:44

[ACM-ICPC] 5725 - Fun Coloring

Consider the problem called Fun Coloring below. Fun Coloring Problem Instance: A finite set U and sets S1, S2, S3,…,Sm U and |Si| ≤ 3. Problem: Is there a function f : U {RED, BLUE} ...

2012-11-03 17:18:38

[ACM-ICPC][建樹] 5724 - Binary Search Tree

A binary search tree is a binary tree that satisfies the following properties: · The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key. · The right subtree of a...

2012-11-03 17:15:59

[ACM-ICPC][搜索] 5723 - Water Gate Management

A dam has n water gates to let out water when necessary. Each water gate has its own capacity, water path and affected areas in the downstream. The affected areas may have a risk of flood when the ...

2012-11-03 17:12:09

[ACM-ICPC] 4714 - In-circles Again

In the figure below you can see triangle ABC and its in-苞ircle (Circle that touches all the sides of a triangle internally). The radius of this in circle is r. Three other circles are drawn. Eac...

2012-11-02 17:59:09

[ACM-ICPC] 4713 - Elias Omega Coding

Elias code can be used to efficiently encode positive integers when there is no prior information about the cardinality of the integers to be encoded and it is known that the probability of get...

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