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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-12-09 19:44:36

[2012/12/9] 論以前

用圖片稍微遮掩一下以下的內容「至從這學習修了國文、生命教育、哲學概論,對事情要有一定的看法與批判, 整個被催眠似的,雜言雜語突然傾洩而下,我壓根沒想到原來自己是如此地多話。 等這場戰役結束過後,我必須重...

2012-12-09 13:38:40

[UVA][高斯消去][線性系統] 10109 - Solving Systems of Linear ...

Solving Systems of Linear Equations The Problem You may have solved linear equation early in the school. Problems involving solving sets of linear equation are very important in the field ...

2012-12-09 08:36:34

[JAVA][碰撞] 失敗作擴充失敗作

demo.jpgDemo影片 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCgr-17XL4Q實際上你可以到這裡玩玩看如果我電腦關了,你當然玩不到囉。一般 Java 版本。import javax.imageio.ImageIO;...

2012-12-08 14:09:26

[ZJ][三年後修正版] a017. 五則運算

內容 : 計算五則運算式的結果,包含加、減、乘、除、餘 輸入說明 : 輸入一個字串,其中包含運算元及運算子,為了方便讀取,所有的運算子及運算元均以空格區隔。運算元為...

2012-12-08 13:49:19

[JAVA][模仿失敗作] 隨機

demo:原本是想去做一個無序隨機到有序的模擬,教授展示的真的很不錯,一開始一團,但之後就自動走出一條路了。import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.ev...

2012-12-08 12:35:24

[ZJ][zkw線段樹] d801. SCOI2006 2.动态最值(minmax)

內容 : 有一个包含n个元素的数组,要求实现以下操作:DELETE k:删除位置k上的数。右边的数往左移一个位置。QUERY i j:查询位置i~j上所有数的最小值和最大值。例如有10个元素: 位置1234567891...

2012-12-08 12:29:43

[UVA][字串分析] 1200 - A DP Problem

In this problem, you are to solve a very easy linear equation with only one variable x with no parentheses! An example of such equations is like the following: 2x - 4 + 5x + 300 = 98x An...

2012-12-08 09:47:38

[UVA][博奕] 10368 - Euclid's Game

Problem B: Euclid's Game Two players, Stan and Ollie, play, starting with two natural numbers. Stan, the first player, subtracts any positive multiple of the lesser of the two numbers from the g...

2012-12-07 07:34:35

[2012/12/7] 生命教育演講心得&哲學討論

在此先恭喜 許胖 以洗版的方式搶下三十萬人氣。哲學討論感覺要死在報告週了,都還看不到某些組員的動作,為什麼都不給我些有點積極的舉動,快點打上你們的論述,大學報告小組討論個什麼?這題目不是我決定的。生命教...

2012-12-06 20:05:17

[UVA][柯西不等式] 12575 - Sin Cos Problem

Sin Cos Problem Given A and B, you have to determine the maximum value of the function : F() = A*Sin + B*Cos Input First line of input will contain the number of test cases...

2012-12-05 21:57:01

[UVA][博奕][記憶化搜索] 10891 - Game of Sum

Problem EGame of Sum Input File: e.in Output: Standard Output This is a two player game. Initially there are n integer numbers in an array and players A and B get chance to take them al...

2012-12-04 22:51:44

[UVA][日期計算][善用JAVA] 893 - Y3K Problem

Y3K Problem We have heard a lot recently about the Y2K problem. According to the doom sayers, planes will fall out of the skies, businesses will crash and the world will enter a major depress...

2012-12-04 07:35:02

[UVA][數學、樹] 10164 - Number Game

Problem D.Number Game Background Let’s play a number game. I will give you 2N-1(N=2^k, k=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) numbers, each number is a positive integer not bigger than 1000. Can you c...

2012-12-02 22:17:32

[UVA][DAG&DP] 988 - Many Paths, One Destination

Many paths, one destination Problem In life, one has many paths to choose, leading to many different lives. Philosophers have long thought about this problem, that can now be studied using c...

2012-12-02 21:23:17

[UVA][bfs] 12135 - Switch Bulbs

You are given n bulbs and m switches. Each of the switches toggles a list of bulbs. Initially all the bulbs are turned off. Now for a set of desired states of the bulbs calculate the minimum number...

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