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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-11-18 16:32:00

[演算法][程式作業] LCS

根據作業Hw05 Ext.5-2 實作LCS該題 求出 給定 兩個 ASCII的 text files 的 LCS輸入: char * file_name1, char * file_name2輸出: unsigned long length_of_LCS (return value)其他要求: 1. 必需動態配置記憶體2. 可以...

2012-11-18 16:27:29

[演算法][程式作業] huffman code 壓縮與解壓縮

根據Huffman code 編碼法 寫 一壓縮程式 與 一解壓縮程式 能將任一檔案給定檔名的檔案壓縮後存成 另一新檔 此新檔案能再解壓縮還原成原檔案 並 附note檔 說明 如何儲存 codeword tree. 處理Header 等等用中序的做法存...

2012-11-18 11:56:03

[UVA][dp][最優二叉樹] 12057 - Prefix Codes

Given an alphabet S, and a probability Prob(a) for each , a binary prefix code represents each a in S as a bit string B(a), such that B(a1) is not a prefix of B(a2) for any a1≠a2 in S. Huffman’...

2012-11-18 11:49:52

[UVA][建樹] 11234 - Expressions

2007/2008 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest University of Ulm Local Contest Problem E: Expressions Arithmetic expressions are usually written with the operators in between the...

2012-11-18 11:41:40

[2012/11/18] ACM-ICPC 泰國合艾區域賽

出發前-桃園國際機場。在出國前,讓我們先膜拜一下 INKER 大神,沒有他,我們根本沒辦法出國比賽。提前一天抵達泰國合艾,整個來回飛機票消費 NT 20000,首先我們先抵達泰國曼谷國際機場之後搭乘轉機飛到合艾,飛機...

2012-11-11 18:04:35

[UVA][ST] 12532 - Interval Product

It's normal to feel worried and tense the day before a programming contest. To relax, you went out for a drink with some friends in a nearby pub. To keep your mind sharp for the next day, you decided ...

2012-11-11 17:20:22

[UVA][Trie] 12506 - Shortest Names

Shortest Names In a strange village, people have very long names. For example: aaaaa, bbb and abababab. You see, it's very inconvenient to call a person, so people invented a good way: just ...

2012-11-11 14:25:42

[UVA][dp] 526 - String Distance and Transform Process

String Distance and Transform Process String Distance is a non-negative integer that measures the distance between two strings. Here we give the definition. A transform list is a list of stri...

2012-11-11 11:27:49

[UVA] 12527 - Different Digits

The inhabitants of Nlogonia are very superstitious. One of their beliefs is that street house numbers that have a repeated digit bring bad luck for the residents. Therefore, they would never live in ...

2012-11-11 11:26:10

[UVA][math] 12517 - Digit Sum

Digit SumThe security system for Associated Computer Informatics Systems (ACIS) has aninteresting test to check the identity for authorized personal. These persons have got a piece ofsoftware that all...

2012-11-10 10:46:54

[ZJ][BIT] a572. IS&MS

內容 : IS&MSBackground在寫 a569: 2-絕對遞增的質數子數列 的時候,小光一眼就看錯題目了,結果錯得亂七八糟,可見小光的語文能力多差勁!The Problem求一個最大總合的嚴格遞增子序列。[14...

2012-11-08 20:19:57

[ZJ][三年後修訂] d371. 3. Huffman 編碼中的編碼效能問題

內容 : 為了用0 與1 的位元串表示電腦中所需使用的符號,常見的編碼法可分為兩大類:固定長度編碼法與非固定長度編碼法。固定長度編碼法指的是,將每個符號用相同長度的位元串表示。例如,要以二...

2012-11-06 22:49:37

[ZJ][DP] a571. 海港碼頭

內容 : 海港碼頭 Background根據 b178. 遊輪 Boat,就是離岸較近的船不可以比離岸較遠的船先離開,不然就會被卡住出不去了。就好比堆疊(stack)結構。The Problem給一個碼頭及所有船的到達時間與...

2012-11-06 22:44:05

[ZJ][掃描線] a570. 場地租借

內容 : 場地租借 Background小光寫演算法作業遇到一個場地租借的問題,場地只有一個,要安排場地給租借的人,每個租借都有其價值,但要在獲益最高, 由於每個租借都有一段時間,計算起來就相當複...

2012-11-05 22:53:48

[心得] 資訊工程概論 W1-W5

100502205-楊翔雲 今日演講探討關於類神經網路,講到這一類的主題很明顯地會聯想到 AI 的設計,期望想要做出與大腦智慧的功能,大腦的結構恰好與電腦結構相反,海量的細胞雖然只有少數功能,但因為海量的細胞個數造就...

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