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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-12-02 21:00:17

[UVA][樹型DP] 11782 - Optimal Cut

Optimal Cut A cut of a binary tree is a set of tree nodes such as for each possible path from the root node to any leaf node, just one node in the cut belongs to the path. In a weighted binar...

2012-12-02 19:56:58

[UVA] 10672 - Marbles on a tree

Problem E: Marbles on a tree n boxes are placed on the vertices of a rooted tree, which are numbered from 1 to n, 1≤n≤10000. Each box is either empty or contains a number of marbles; the ...

2012-12-02 17:25:27

[UVA][樹型DP] 10308 - Roads in the North

Problem I Roads in the North Input: standard input Output: standard output Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 32 MB Building and maintaining roads among communities in the...

2012-12-02 16:55:03

[ZJ][一年後修正版][樹型DP] b174. 旅游规划

內容 : W市的交通规划出现了重大问题,市政府下决心在全市的各大交通路口安排交通疏导员来疏导密集的车流。但由于人员不足,W市市长决定只在最需要安排人员的路口安放人员。具体说来,W市的...

2012-12-02 13:30:58

[UVA][BinaryTrie] 11488 - Hyper Prefix Sets

H Hyper Prefix Sets Prefix goodness of a set string is length of longest common prefix*number of strings in the set. For example the prefix goodness of the set ...

2012-12-02 13:10:28

[UVA][multiset使用] 11136 - Hoax or what

Problem H: Hoax or what Each Mal-Wart supermarket has prepared a promotion scheme run by the following rules: A client who wants to participate in the promotion (aka a sucker) must write...

2012-12-02 10:54:08

[UVA][cutpoint][關節點][dfs] 10199 - Tourist Guide

Problem F: Tourist GuideThe ProblemRio de Janeiro is a very beautiful city. But there are so many placesto visit that sometimes you feel a bit lost. But don't worry, because your friend Bruno promised...

2012-12-02 08:50:41

[2012/12/2] 決定


2012-12-01 21:38:05

[UVA][幾何][線段] 866 - Intersecting Line Segments

Intersecting line segments Background In a 2-D Cartesian space, a straight line segment A is defined by two points A0=(x0,y0), A1=(x1,y1). The intersection of line segments A and B (if there ...

2012-12-01 19:07:54

[ZJ][BFS] d373. 5. 乳酪的誘惑

內容 : 這個問題跟傳統的老鼠走迷宮問題不太一樣,給定一個四方形的格點空間x 座標與y 座標由左下角原點以0 開始往右和往上遞增,裡面有一個區域是鼠窩,另外有一個區域是乳酪屋此外還有很多障礙...

2012-12-01 19:06:05

[ZJ] d229. IOI研習營模考2-4砝碼

內容 :   給定一個秤盤,最多只允許放置N個法瑪,計算在給定 M 種法碼的情況下(假定所有種的法碼數量都足夠),如何設計法碼的種類,能得到最大max ,使得1~max之間的每一個重量值都能得到。每...

2012-12-01 12:19:41

[ZJ] a586. 4. 捷運計價問題

內容 : 「天龍國」為了促進觀光,推出捷運觀光地圖。只要持有觀光護照者搭乘捷運將會有特別的優待,並依照下列三種計費規定收費:基本票價十元。每經過三站票價加五元。轉乘不同捷運路線加五元。...

2012-12-01 12:18:25

[ZJ][2DST][zkw] d800. ST版 区间MAX

內容 : 給一個矩陣T(1,1),T(1,2),....T(N,M)求T(x1,y1) 到T(x2,y2)的最大值矩形中的最大元素 輸入說明 : 每組測資輸入的第一行有兩個整數N,M (1≦N,M≦500) ,接下來會...

2012-12-01 12:13:40

[ZJ][博奕] a186. Three-Heap Wythoff's Game

內容 : Alice和Bob兩個人又在玩遊戲了。他們決定玩一種遊戲,準備三堆石頭,數量分別是A, B, C。其中0≤A≤B≤C且皆為整數。兩人輪流取,每個人每次可以從一些堆中同時拿走一樣數量的石頭,例如...

2012-11-30 21:36:46

[UVA][模擬] 10686 - SQF Problems

Problem F - SQF Problems Time Limit: 1 second Memory Limit: 1 Mb Juciano, Sebastião e Sérgio formed a very good ACM team. They used to do a lot of problems but they were not organized...

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