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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-11-30 16:07:04

[UVA][數學] 10830 - A New Function

Problem AA New Function Input File: Standard Input Output: Standard Output We all know that any integer number N is divisible by 1 and N. That is why these two numbers are not the actua...

2012-11-29 21:15:48

[VHDL] 垃圾堆積區-加法器

半加器library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity ha is port( a: in std_logic; b: in std_logic; c: out std_logic; s: out std_logic );end entity ha;architecture rtl of ha is signal w_s : std_logi...

2012-11-29 21:11:28

[資料結構] BST 的 construct & traversal

Problem : BST為二元樹的一種,符合下面兩個條件 : 1. 所有在左子樹之 Node 之值一定不大於 Root 之值 2. 所有在右子樹之 Node 之值一定不小於 Root 之值 輸入數值為一串整數,數 字之間以空白隔開...

2012-11-29 21:04:56

[UVA][烏龜塔][Greedy解] 10154 - Weights and Measures

Sample Input:101 101100 20199 30098 3015 30210 50100 12010 100020 100030 403 52 41 21 110 4020 10030 40Sample Output:42333請容許上面抽像輸入格式,以上幾筆會比較有問題,在此先提出來。為什麼再次討論這個...

2012-11-29 20:54:10

[ITSA] 19th 總解答

這次沒有動規題,全是模擬題,雖然沒有很難,但打得很不順。一個人參賽無助了?打表不多語你自己想你自己做過位元運算的二十皇后,再怎麼跑都是鄰近一秒,更不用說一百皇后,更何況你要 hash 九十度的翻轉存在,打表...

2012-11-28 08:19:04

[PTC][201211] PE Coin Game

博奕遊戲,dp動規之#include <stdio.h>#include <algorithm>#define oo 2147483647using namespace std;int coin[1005];int dp[1005][1005];int dfs(int l, int r, int k) { if(dp[l][r] != -oo) return...

2012-11-28 08:01:55

[PTC][201211] PD Happy Teachers’ Day

動規作法,dp[n][m] n 個東西 m 堆。dp[n+1][j] += dp[n][j]*j (選其中一堆, j 種可能)dp[n+1][j+1] += dp[n][j] (多開一堆)#include <stdio.h>long long dp[2005][2005];int main() { int n, i, j; int ans[2...

2012-11-27 17:45:57

[PTC][201211] PB Job Allocation

Greedy。對價值由大排到小,依序排入理想職位,如果不足就捨棄。#include <stdio.h>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;struct ele { int idx, h;};ele A[100000];bool cmp(ele a, ele b) { retur...

2012-11-27 17:03:37

[PTC][201211] PA Circular Matrix Product

這題不算難,難是難在卡時間,很清楚地我們知道要進行矩陣連乘積,也就是 N*N 的矩陣連乘 E-S 次,最後乘上一個 N*1 的矩陣。不能直接做矩陣乘法,因為會消耗 O(N*N*N) 計算兩個 N*N 相乘。在此倒過來運算 (N*N)*(N*...

2012-11-27 08:39:39

[ZJ][Greedy、並查集] a567. 死線排程

內容 : 死線排程Background 大學最常遇見的就是死線(deadline),死線的選擇常常是大學生的煩惱,如何得到最大利益的排程? The Problem 給 N 個作業,每個作業分別有 deadline 與 profit,在...

2012-11-27 08:35:37

[ZJ][離線、BIT、離散化] a580. 輻射擴散

內容 : Background出國比 ACM-ICPC 區預賽,沒有好英文可是不行的。小光這次去泰國合艾打醬油,題目根本看不懂,猶如同 WORLD FINAL 的選手不會應答現場主播,被大陸觀眾講「這傢伙不會英文怎麼...

2012-11-27 08:33:21

[ZJ][IDA*] d207. 15 - Puzzle

內容 : 15-puzzle 是一個廣受歡迎的遊戲,就算你光從字面上可能不知道 15-puzzle 是什麼,但是你一定看過。 這遊戲是由 15 個可滑動的方塊組合成的,分別標上 1 ~ 15 的數字,然後擺在一個 4 x ...

2012-11-27 08:31:32

[UVA][IDA*][Faster] 10181 - 15-Puzzle Problem

Problem N 15-Puzzle Problem Input: standard input Output: standard output Time Limit: 45 seconds The 15-puzzle is a very popular game; even if you don't know it by that name, you'v...

2012-11-26 14:17:26

[UVA][IDA*] 10181 - 15-Puzzle Problem

Problem N 15-Puzzle Problem Input: standard input Output: standard output Time Limit: 45 seconds The 15-puzzle is a very popular game; even if you don't know it by that name, you'v...

2012-11-25 21:24:24

[UVA][BFS+HASH] 652 - Eight

Eight The 15-puzzle has been around for over 100 years; even if you don't know it by that name, you've seen it. It is constructed with 15 sliding tiles, each with a number from 1 to 15 on it, ...

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