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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-11-25 17:24:31

[2012/11/25] ACM-ICPC 台灣高雄區域賽


2012-11-22 16:05:48

[UVA][高斯、逆元] 684 - Integral Determinant

Integral Determinant Write a program to find the determinant of an integral square matrix. Note that the determinant of a square matrix can be defined recursively as follows: the determinant ...

2012-11-22 14:06:36

[UVA][跳躍] 638 - Finding Rectangles

Finding Rectangles Consider the point sets in figures 1a, 2a, and 3a. Using only those points as vertices, figures 1b, 2b, and 3b show all the rectangles that can be formed with horizontal a...

2012-11-22 08:38:56

[ZJ][dp] a491. 貨物集中問題

內容 : 一個矩形平面大型倉儲空間,共有 R×C 個分區,其中 R 代表矩形的列數,C 代表矩形的行數。此倉儲空間以一 R×C 二維矩陣表示,倉儲空間中的每一分區以二維座標表示,二維矩陣中每一...

2012-11-22 08:27:19

[ZJ][dp] a578. 苦哈哈機器人工廠

內容 : 笑嘻嘻機器人工廠是個專門生產機器人的工廠他們一共出產三種機器人,A機器人、B機器人和C機器人不只如此,每種機器人還可以依顧客的需要製成各種不同的大小因為他們實在太厲害了,所以笑...

2012-11-22 08:25:32

[ZJ][規律] a568. ISSC 2012- problem B

內容 : 給定一個數字N,代表這個數字有2N位數,我們先定義 Good number當我們把一個數字切一半( ez. 1981 切一半變成 19 和 81 )當他切一半後的兩個數字都可以整除原本的數字時,這個數字就是Go...

2012-11-21 21:29:47

[UVA][掃描] 12535 - Probability Through Experiments

Problem B Probability Through experiment Time Limit: 2 seconds Mathematicians have often solved problems by just doing some simulation or experiments. For example, the value of pi (p) ...

2012-11-21 20:24:56

[UVA][二分] 12537 - Radiation

Problem D Radiation Time Limit: 2 seconds Nuclear power plants (NPP) are a blessing and curse of modern civilization. NPPs have some risks but still it is one of the cheapest ways to...

2012-11-21 13:50:16

[UVA][剪枝] 254 - Towers of Hanoi

Towers of Hanoi In 1883, Edouard Lucas invented, or perhaps reinvented, one of the most popular puzzles of all times - the Tower of Hanoi, as he called it - which is still used today in many comp...

2012-11-21 13:47:14

[UVA][噁心模擬] 807 - Towers of Powers

Towers of Powers One of the many problems in computer-generated graphics is realistically modeling the ``orderly randomness'' of things like mountain ranges and city skylines. A new student i...

2012-11-20 07:41:38

[UVA][Trie] 12526 - Cellphone Typing

A research team is developing a new technology to save time when typing text messages in mobiledevices. They are working on a new model that has a complete keyboard, so users can type any singleletter...

2012-11-20 07:38:47

[UVA][dp] 10453 - Make Palindrome

Problem A Make Palindrome Input: standard input Output: standard output Time Limit: 8 seconds By definition palindrome is a string which is not changed when reversed. "MADAM" is a n...

2012-11-20 07:33:31

[UVA][模擬] 12531 - Hours and Minutes

Heidi has a discrete analog clock in the shape of a circle, as the one in the figure. Two hands rotate around the center of the circle, indicating hours and minutes. The clock has 60 marks placed ar...

2012-11-19 14:39:57

[Ubuntu] XTerm 字型太小

來源網址 http://hi.baidu.com/paulcross/item/3fc514508ab13e9408be170f方法 I#>cd /etc/X11/app-defaults#>sudo vim XTerm将其中的默认字体修改为:*VT100.utf8Fonts.font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--1...

2012-11-18 18:06:31

[UVA][烏龜塔] 10154 - Weights and Measures

這題是很著名的烏龜塔,做法是 dp,要對力量做升排序。網路上好像有人提供力量減去自身重量的升排序,不過在下面兩隻烏龜的情形會有錯誤。9 101 6#include <stdio.h>#include <algorithm>using namespac...

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