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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-11-02 17:37:04

[ACM-ICPC] 4712 - Airplane Parking

During this economic crisis time, Jack has started an incredible new business related to air travel, a parking-lot for airplane. He bought a very large land to park airplanes. However the land is very...

2012-11-01 20:49:21

[UVA] 759 - The Return of the Roman Empire

The Return of the Roman Empire Input and Output Write a program that accepts Roman numerals (one per line) and converts them to decimal form. Remember, I=1, V=5, X=10, L=50, ...

2012-11-01 19:41:30

[UVA] 10895 - Matrix Transpose

A: Matrix Transpose A matrix is a rectangular array of elements, most commonly numbers. A matrix with rows and columns is said to be an -by- matrix. For example, is a 4-by-3 matrix...

2012-10-31 12:29:28

[ZJ][LCA] b237. CSAPC'09 迷宮任務

內容 : 在一个 n 乘以 m 大小的迷宫当中,你必须依序执行很多项搬东西的任务。每一个任务都有起始点 A 以及终点 B 。 行动的时候如果手上没有搬东西,就不会耗费任何体力,但是如果手上有东西,...

2012-10-31 08:59:13

[ZJ][dp] b220. 5. 蛋糕師傅的煩惱

內容 : 有個蛋糕師傅作蛋糕的方式是先收集每位顧客訂購小蛋糕的大小,然後依照隨機順序將小蛋糕依序組合來決定最後要烘培的蛋糕大小,然後再一刀一刀的切出每個顧客所需的小蛋糕。這 裡有兩點要...

2012-10-29 07:17:40

[UVA][JAVA][dp] 10238 - Throw the Dice

Problem CThrow the Dice! Input: standard input Output: standard output Time Limit: 30 seconds Memory Limit: 32 MB In the pictures below, you can see several types of Dices. It is ve...

2012-10-28 18:46:46

[UVA][dp] 542 - France '98

France '98 Today the first round of the Soccer World Championship in France is coming to an end. 16 countries are remaining now, among which the winner is determined by the following tournamen...

2012-10-28 17:19:08

[UVA][GCD] 10673 - Play with Floor and Ceil

Problem APlay with Floor and Ceil Input: standard inputOutput: standard outputTime Limit: 1 second Theorem For any two integers x and k there exists two more integers p and q such that:...

2012-10-27 21:24:07

[演算法][程式作業] Edit distance

課本 page. 40615-5 Edit distanceInorder to transform one source string of text x [1 ¬ m] to a target string y [1¬ n], we can perform various transformation operations. Our goal is, given xand y, to ...

2012-10-27 08:39:27

[JAVA] 備份此部落格文章的代碼

demo 影片備份此新聞台的 JAVA 代碼,當然你可以直接使用網路現有的網站打包軟體,但我也嘗試寫寫如何備份自己的文章,我後來使用 JAVA 的功能去完成。不過這個有幾個缺點,雖然我是屬於登入的狀態,但是 JAVA 去做連...

2012-10-27 08:11:35

[ZJ][拓樸排序] a552. 模型

內容 : 你買了一組模型,其中有n個零件,而零件之間有先後關係,也就是在裝上零件y之前,必須先將零件x裝上才可以,說明書上包含了m種(x, y)的關係,請問你該如何依序使用零件才能將模型完成? ...

2012-10-27 07:54:29

[ZJ][dp] a564. ITSA201205 P4 Group without direct leaders

內容 : In X company, everyone, except the CEO, has a direct leader. There are n persons in the company and everyone has a unique ID from 0 to n-1. The ID of the CEO is 0, and ...

2012-10-25 08:39:44

[ZJ][bitset] a561. 內存不足

內容 : Background內存不足的情況下,請使用排序法。The Problem給定一個 n 小於一千萬,每個非負數字不重複且都小一千萬,求其排序後的結果。 輸入說明 : 請參考 Samp...

2012-10-25 08:38:14

[ZJ][逆元] a545. Stressful

內容 : 在 這充滿學測考生的圖書館中,每個人都感受到莫大的壓力,但由於每個人的實力值不同,所以感受到的壓力值也不同,因此便有一種量化壓力值的算法,來求得每一 位考生所感受到的壓力,這...

2012-10-23 20:29:52

[ZJ][DLX][最少重覆覆蓋] b199. D. 郵輪

內容 : 豪華郵輪 Makoto 號是Overflow 社計劃中的新型海上渡假設施。這艘船將會有一千個以上的客房,各種娛樂設施、餐飲設施,目標是成為全亞洲最大的郵輪公司。在設計時,Overflow 社的設計師們...

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