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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-09-22 11:47:38

[ACM-ICPC][Asia - Seoul][二分+Greedy] 4725 - Airport

A big city has an international airport handling 40 million passengers a year. But this is notorious as one of the most congested airports in the world. In this airport, there is only one landing stri...

2012-09-22 09:33:26

[ACM-ICPC][Asia - Seoul][Greedy+dp] 4731 - Cellular Network

A cellular network is a radio network made up of a number of cells each served by a base station located in the cell. The base station receives call signals from mobile users (mobiles) in the cell...

2012-09-22 08:44:20

[ACM-ICPC][Asia - Seoul][殺人遊戲][模擬解] 4727 - Jump

Integers 1, 2, 3,..., n are placed on a circle in the increasing order as in the following figure. We want to construct a sequence from these numbers on a circle. Starting with the number 1, we ...

2012-09-22 08:20:32

[ACM-ICPC][Asia - Seoul][Farthest Pair] 4728 - Squares

The famous Korean IT company plans to make a digital map of the Earth with help of wireless sensors which spread out in rough terrains. Each sensor sends a geographical data to . But, due t...

2012-09-22 07:49:05

[ACM-ICPC][Asia - Seoul] 4723 - Ducci Sequence

A Ducci sequence is a sequence of n-tuples of integers. Given an n-tuple of integers (a1, a2, ... , an), the next n-tuple in the sequence is formed by taking the absolute differences of neighb...

2012-09-20 22:12:12

[ZJ][一年後修裝版][C++] b113. 6. 線性系統求解

內容 : 輸入說明 : 輸出說明 : 本題因為結果為無限組任一輸出不太好確定是否為正確,所以若結果為無限組的話,輸出N即可。測資改為多筆測資,讀完第一個值n後...

2012-09-20 16:26:19

[UVA][類似SCC] 12442 - Forwarding Emails

J Forwarding Emails "... so forward this to ten other people, to prove that you believe the emperor has new clothes." Aren't those sorts of emails annoying? Martia...

2012-09-20 09:05:28

[UVA][dp 0/1背包] 12455 - Bars

B: Bars Background Some things grow if you put them together. The Problem We have some metallic bars, theirs length known, and, if necessary, we want to solder some of them in ...

2012-09-20 09:04:25

[UVA] 12414 - Calculating Yuan Fen

Problem C Calculating Yuan Fen Yuanfen is a Chinese term that is hard to understand for people in other countries. Roughly speaking, yuanfen means the pre-determined "binding force" that l...

2012-09-20 08:22:27

[UVA][凸凹形判斷] 10078 - The Art Gallery

Problem D The Art Gallery Input: standard input Output: standard output Century Arts has hundreds of art galleries scattered all around the country and you are hired to write a pr...

2012-09-19 22:08:35

[UVA] 10139 - Factovisors

Problem D: Factovisors The factorial function, n! is defined thus for n a non-negative integer: 0! = 1 n! = n * (n-1)! (n > 0) We say that a divides b if there exists an integer k...

2012-09-19 20:32:55

[UVA][dp][java] 10069 - Distinct Subsequences

Problem E Distinct Subsequences Input: standard input Output: standard output A subsequence of a given sequence is just the given sequence with some elements (possibly none) lef...

2012-09-19 16:52:14

[UVA][摸擬] 397 - Equation Elation

Equation Elation The author of an elementary school algebra text book has approached you to write a program to solve simple algebra equations. The author wants to use a program to avoid human er...

2012-09-16 12:14:06

[ZJ][sort] a480. 導彈攔截系統

內容 : 某個國家研發了一套導彈攔截系統,只要設定了防護半徑 r,在距離系統設置處 r 以內的範圍都會受到防護。此外,他們發現,啟用該系統會消耗大量的能源,且能源消耗為 r2。在研發完成之際,...

2012-09-16 09:27:30

[ZJ][背包問題+Greedy] a455. TOI2010 第四題:商品特賣問題

內容 :   在一個年終大拍賣活動中,一家迪化街的商店推出了一個特賣活動,老闆說只要你花錢買4個箱子,第一個箱子最多可裝30公斤的商品,第二個箱子最多可裝 40公斤的商品,第三個箱子最多...

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