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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-10-23 20:24:27

[資料結構][HW] 走迷宮 STACK 找出所有路徑

Homework 2 Data Structures Input: maze.in.txt Output: maze.out.txt Problem description: 此作業為老鼠走迷宮,迷宮配置圖在 maze.in.txt 裡,請同學自行讀入資料,0代表可以走的路...

2012-10-22 07:18:53

NCPC2012C Matrix

Problem C Matrix Input File: pc.in Time limit: 5 seconds Given k sets, where k >= 2 and each set has n integers, they are said to be compatible if a k×n matrix B can be constructed from them ...

2012-10-21 14:33:06

NCPC2012F Optimal Transformation Cost

Problem F Optimal Transformation Cost Input File: pf.in Time Limit: 3 seconds A mathematician, Professor Lee, is now studying a transformation scheme in Coding Theory. There are 2n n-bit binary s...

2012-10-21 12:52:32

NCPC2012B Integer Partition

Problem B Integer Partition Input File: pb.in Time Limit: 5 seconds A new partition problem is defined as follows. Let the symbol Py,zi be the number of ways to write a positive integer y as a ...

2012-10-20 23:59:12

NCPC2012I Christmas Gifts

Problem I Christmas Gifts Input File: pi.in Time Limit: 3 seconds Children always expect gifts at Christmas Eve. Every child in the community No-Common-Present-Compromise (NCPC for short) can hav...

2012-10-20 23:49:54


Problem G SHA-4 Input File: pg.in Time Limit: 3 seconds This is a new hash algorithm invented for NCPC 2012, called SHA4 (simple hash algorithm version 4). Given a message string M, the SHA4 will...

2012-10-20 23:48:38

NCPC2012D A Matrix Decipher

Problem D A Matrix Decipher Input File: pd.in Let ZN = {0, 1, 2, …, N-2, N-1}, where N is a positive integer. An integer linear transformation under (mod N) can be defined as f(x) = Hx, where x...

2012-10-20 23:47:42

NCPC2012A String Editer

Sample Input:AK47 is powerful>[2]^[B]>[1]#[48]Sam sings badly>[4]<<>[1]#[u]>[3]^[ i]>[6]![2]Apple is better than Samsung>[3]<<<<<<^[hTC]>[1]![2]Sample O...

2012-10-18 22:35:37

[記錄] 打包 JAR 檔案

本文縮減 自 http://it-easy.tw/java-jar/步驟一:建立一個檔名為 "manifest.mf" 跟 .class 檔放在一起內容「Main-Class: 含有程式進入點(main方法)的Main Class名稱」※ 注意要於下方再空兩行,否則執行JAR檔案的時候...

2012-10-17 19:54:17

[ZJ][塊狀表] d476. 区间查询

內容 : 一个长度为n的序列,支持两种操作:1.输出[A, B]区间第k小的数(从小到大排序后第k个)2.修改第I个数为W 輸入說明 : 第二行N个数A[I](1<=A[I]<=1000000000)以下M行,每行一个操...

2012-10-17 18:08:55

[ZJ][非遞迴合併排序] d542. 10810 - Ultra-QuickSort

內容 : 在這個問題中你必須去分析一個特別的排序演算法 Ultra-QuickSort。這個演算法要將 n 個不同的整數由小到大排序,所用的動作是在必要的時候將 相鄰 的 2 個數交換。對以下的輸入序列:9 1...

2012-10-16 21:45:08

[線性代數][作業] Reduced row-echelon form

題  目:從檔案輸入Matrix並轉換成Row Echelon Form後,以檔案輸出結果。加分條件:成功完成”Reduced” Row Echelon Form的Matrix者,此次程式作業成績 加 10分。輸  入:檔名為input.txt的檔案,內容為任意大小...

2012-10-16 21:40:05

[資料結構][作業] STACK 實作

前言:以C or C++完成 請以Link list來實作一個大小為5的Stack 必須包含Push Pop(含印出) Isfull Isempty功能 一個功能占25pt 繳交格式 學號_姓名_HW1.cpp (ex: 1005XXXXX_助教_HW1.cpp) 檔案只需要.cpp or .c檔 不需...

2012-10-14 15:31:40

[練習] 打出垃圾碼,以 BrainFuck 為例

Background有一種比賽 IOCCC 國際C語言混亂代碼大賽。/* == Generated by Matrix67.com == */ #include <stdio.h> main(t ,_,a) char*a;{returnt<1?main(*a,a[-t],"=a-1kj3gnm:q\ebh_cf*<r.d>i^+?,()...

2012-10-13 12:13:18

[UVA][dp][2DLIS] 1196 - Tiling Up Blocks

Michael The Kid receives an interesting game set from his grandparent as his birthday gift. Inside the game set box, there are n tiling blocks and each block has a form as follows: ...

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