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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-09-02 12:08:24

[UVA] 10365 - Blocks

Problem D: Blocks Donald wishes to send a gift to his new nephew, Fooey. Donald is a bit of a traditionalist, so he has chosen to send a set of N classic baby blocks. Each block is a cube, 1 inch...

2012-09-02 10:33:57

[記錄][2012/9/2] 轉學考結局&近況

轉學考結局, 事實上就台科大資工跟中央資工要備取我, 但出於台科大比較晚才通知我, 而且是 8/30, 我在中央都已經報到完畢了, 也聽很多人說這兩所學校差異並不大, 但如果是為了學校名氣, 讀台科大是比較好的選擇, 但都...

2012-09-01 22:19:49

[ACM-ICPC][Asia - Daejeon] 5848 - Soju

好像跟 UVa 最鄰近點對問題一樣, 測資都不夠嚴謹, O(n*m) + cut 就可以通過了,而且速度還不差。#include <stdio.h>#include <algorithm>#include <math.h>using namespace std;typedef struct { i...

2012-09-01 19:04:51

[ACM-ICPC][Asia - Daejeon] 5844 - Leet

字串處理題, 窮舉映射對象, 然後 dfs 即可#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <map>#include <iostream>using namespace std;map<char, string> r;int k, sL, letL, flag...

2012-09-01 18:10:31

[ACM-ICPC][Asia - Daejeon] 5846 - Neon Sign

數學解, 採用排容原理對每個點, 都可以挑 2 個邊做一個角, 因此 C(n-1, 2) * n 個角,對每個點, 不可能構成的角個數是 ri * bi,但對於不可能構成單一顏色的三角形是 藍藍紅, 或者是 紅紅藍, 因此比例是 2/3,最後將剩餘...

2012-09-01 16:07:25

[ACM-ICPC][Asia - Daejeon] 5840 - Chemical Products

窮舉兩個, 令一個直接 Greedy#include <stdio.h>int main() { int t, i, j; scanf("%d", &t); while(t--) { int a, b, c, ab, bc, ca; scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c); scanf("%d %d %d", &am...

2012-09-01 10:17:43

[UVA][枚舉] 487 - Boggle Blitz

Boggle Blitz In the game of Boggle, you are presented with an table of letters. The object is to find words in the mix of letters. A word may be started anywhere in the table and is constru...

2012-08-31 16:52:41

[UVA][DAG] 103 - Stacking Boxes

Stacking Boxes Background Some concepts in Mathematics and Computer Science are simple in one or two dimensions but become more complex when extended to arbitrary dimensions. Consider solvin...

2012-08-30 23:00:08

[PTC] 201208C RFC 1149

做一次背包, 替除, 再做一次, 持續 ...做法不保證正確, 但可通過測資#include <stdio.h>#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;int main() { int i, j; int t, A[50]; int ...

2012-08-30 22:57:00

[PTC] 201208A Defect Alarms [模擬]

Problem DescriptionCompany A has several production lines. These production lines have aglobal timer for synchronization. Workers feed in raw materials into a mixermachine, and then the mixed material...

2012-08-30 22:51:32

[PTC] 201208D Instant Noodles [馬可夫鏈]

Problem DescriptionThe one who buys and eats a bag of instant noodles everyday is known as aheavy instant-noodle consumer. A market research organization is studyingthe market of the heavy instant-noo...

2012-08-30 17:34:40

[ITSA] 16th 總解答

這次題目比較麻煩是輸入問題, 剩下的其實都還好, 解答就按照題目順序#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>int main() { char s[1000], ch; int n, i; while(gets(s)) { scanf("%d", &n); while(ch...

2012-08-29 13:07:10

[UVA][SCC] 10731 - Test

Problem E: Test A vocational preference test, unlike an aptitude test, seeks to identify careers that the candidate might find satisfying. Based on the answers to a slew of seemingly inane multipl...

2012-08-28 19:19:15

[UVA][SCC、Tarjan算法] 11709 - Trust groups

Trust groups The personnel department of Association of Cookie Monsters (ACM) has noticed that the productivity of various work groups in the company is not as good as it could be. They have ...

2012-08-28 12:24:07

[UVA][SCC、Tarjan算法] 11838 - Come and Go

Come and Go In a certain city there are N intersections connected by one-way and two-way streets. It is a modern city, and several of the streets have tunnels or overpasses. Evidently it must be ...

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