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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-09-16 07:38:02

[ZJ][多重背包+Greedy] a350. 3. 緞帶的購買問題

內容 : 小明的老師想要買緞帶來布置教室。她想要利用緞帶(緞帶的花色一樣)做成各種不同大小的花飾垂吊在教室後面,它們所需的緞帶長度分列如下: 花飾型號 A B ...

2012-09-15 20:59:42

[ZJ][spfa、尤拉路徑、bitmask] a416. 6. 城市馬拉松

內容 : H城市舉辦馬拉松比賽。比賽區域有 N個補給站,2≤N≤1000。為了方便說明,我們將N個補給站名稱以正整數1,2,…,N來表示。 N個補給站有街道來連接,使得選手可從任一個補給站出發,經由幾...

2012-09-15 10:51:54

[UVA][編碼檢查、Trie] 644 - Immediate Decodability

Immediate Decodability An encoding of a set of symbols is said to be immediately decodable if no code for one symbol is the prefix of a code for another symbol. We will assume for this probl...

2012-09-15 10:00:06

[UVA][骰子翻轉比對] 253 - Cube painting

Cube painting We have a machine for painting cubes. It is supplied with three different colors: blue, red and green. Each face of the cube gets one of these colors. The cube's faces are numb...

2012-09-13 15:20:19

[UVA][模擬] 10142 - Australian Voting

Problem D - Australian Voting Australian ballots require that the voter rank the candidates in order of choice. Initially only the first choices are counted and if one candidate receives more th...

2012-09-13 11:25:32

[UVA][硬幣問題, dp背包解] 166 - Making Change

Making Change Given an amount of money and unlimited (almost) numbers of coins (we will ignore notes for this problem) we know that an amount of money may be made up in a variety of ways. A more ...

2012-09-13 10:19:00

[UVA] 12060 - All Integer Average

When we need to find the arithmetic average of some numbers we always tend to keep the result in a floating-point number as in many cases the average is a fraction. But if all the numbers are integer...

2012-09-13 09:59:10

[UVA][模擬] 11956 - Brainfuck

F— Brainfuck Time Limit: 3 secMemory Limit: 32 MB Recently your friend Bob has bought a new brainfuck programmable LED display. However executing a program directly on LED display take...

2012-09-12 10:39:41

[TopCoder][SRM553] Suminator

一樣, 看了題解之後有點慚愧, 寫得不是很好看,這題要特別注意回傳一定要整數, 且如果代入的數字是 0, 要把它當功能來看待public class Suminator { public int findMissing(int[] ar, int want) { long[] stack = n...

2012-09-12 10:37:35

[TopCoder][SRM553] PlatypusDuckAndBeaver

看了題解之後就慚愧了 ... 我只是發布來自己看得, 別虐 ...#include<iostream>#include<map>#include<math.h>#include<vector>#include<string>#include<string.h>#include<...

2012-09-12 09:53:56

[TopCoder][SRM543] EllysXors 區間XOR

Problem Statement XOR problems became very popular in TopCoder recently. (If you do not know the bitwise operation XOR, see the Notes section for an explanation.) That's why Elly decided...

2012-09-12 08:04:53

[UVA][dp] 11578 - Situp Benches

Problem B: Situp Benches The gym at the University of Alberta has two identical sit up benches that are side by side. Each of these benches can be inclined in 10 degree increments between 10 d...

2012-09-11 21:08:48

[ZJ版本][dp] d524. Q10599 - Robots(II)

內容 : 你 所任職的公司專門製造用來撿垃圾的機器人,每當機器人被指派到一個工作前,會先把場地的配置圖轉成網格輸入到電腦中,每個場地可以視為一平面,在圖上會標 出所有垃圾所在的格子。機...

2012-09-10 19:45:34

[UVA][模擬] 187 - Transaction Processing

Transaction Processing You have been called upon to write a program which performs one of the initial steps in posting transactions to a general ledger. The central principle of double-entry bo...

2012-09-10 19:15:37

[UVA][模擬、旋轉] 141 - The Spot Game

The Spot Game The game of Spot is played on an NxN board as shown below for N = 4. During the game, alternate players may either place a black counter (spot) in an empty square or remove one from...

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