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2017-10-07 17:20:29
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2012-08-09 20:03:10

The Sound of Hate

August 8, 2012The Sound of HateByROBERT FUTRELLandPETE SIMITHE shooting rampage on Sunday that killed six people and wounded three others at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin exposed the continued dangers of...

2012-08-08 16:25:24



2012-08-08 16:02:48


陸委會:鍾案會有正面發展【中央社╱台北8日電】2012.08.08 03:40 pm陸委會今天表示,台灣民眾鍾鼎邦妻子已赴大陸,將在今天下午探視被大陸拘留的鍾鼎邦。對鍾鼎邦返台一事,陸委會「相信近期會有積極正面發展。」江...

2012-08-05 21:45:53


麵包之戀 【聯合報╱周芬娜】 2012.08.05 03:37 am 二十幾歲到美國留學後,才知道麵包也有不好吃的…… 圖/葉懿瑩 可能是因為我有荷蘭人血統的緣故,我從小就愛吃麵包...

2012-08-04 14:42:10

Military Hazing Has Got to Stop

August 3, 2012Military Hazing Has Got to StopByJUDY CHULos AngelesLAST fall, at an outpost in Kandahar, Afghanistan, Danny Chen, a 19-year-old Army private, was singled out for hazing by Sgt. Adam Hol...

2012-08-03 22:34:58

Fifty Shades of Scalia

August 2, 2012, 9:00 pmFifty Shades of ScaliaBy TIMOTHY EGANHe grumps and harrumphs, he charms, fidgets and scolds, but mostly, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia just endures - the fools, that...

2012-07-31 08:06:26

The Morality of Migration

Yale大學的Seyla Benhabib 指出,移民是二十世紀以來,人類道德原則上兩個矛盾點最重要的展現:個人遷徙追求幸福的自由 vs. 國家自主自治(Self-Government,也有人翻成民族自決)。尤其在全球化的今日,經濟、社會...

2012-07-26 11:21:49



2012-07-16 17:18:37


City of LosAngelesDept. of Water and Power v. Manhart, 435 U.S. 702 (1978).Arizona Governing Comm. v. Norris, 463 U.S. 1073 (1983).

2012-07-13 22:46:34

Playing the Interracial Card

July 12, 2012, 10:01 pm Playing the Interracial Card By KEVIN NOBLE MAILLARD What is the most reliable way to destroy a political career? Financial shenanigans, criminal records or coll...

2012-07-13 22:23:45

Lawsuit Tries to Block New Arizona Abortion Law

July 12, 2012 Lawsuit Tries to Block New Arizona Abortion Law By ERIK ECKHOLM A group of doctors and women’s rights advocates challenged Arizona’s new abortion limit...

2012-07-13 22:10:43

How Pensions Violate Free Speech

July 12, 2012 How Pensions Violate Free Speech By BENJAMIN I. SACHS Cambridge, Mass. A CENTRAL principle of American political life is that everyone gets to c...

2012-07-06 19:47:23

Workingman’s Constitution

July 5, 2012, 9:57 pm Workingman’s Constitution By WILLIAM E. FORBATH Austin, Tex.WORK and opportunity, poverty and dependency, material security and insecurity: for generations of ref...

2012-07-03 22:32:29

Hate Speech and Stolen Valor

July 2, 2012, 9:15 pmHate Speech and Stolen ValorBy STANLEY FISHI was wondering whether to devote a third column to the hate-speech regulations Jeremy Waldron favors in his new book ("The Harm in Hate...

2012-07-03 22:31:17

Hate Speech and Free Speech, Part Two

June 18, 2012, 9:15 pm Hate Speech and Free Speech, Part Two By JEREMY WALDRON Readers of my column about Jeremy Waldron's new book, "The Harm in Hate Speech," wondered how the hate spe...

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