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2013-03-23 14:36:22

Walking While Black in New York


2013-03-21 18:57:30

Wedding Bells (Linda Greenhouse)

MARCH 20, 2013,9:00 PMWedding BellsByLINDA GREENHOUSEI was at the Library of Congress the other day, doing some research in Justice Harry A. Blackmun’s collected papers there (an amazing gift that ke...

2013-03-17 17:20:07

Better Colleges Failing to Lure Talented Poor


2013-03-17 17:05:05

Does Affirmative Action Do What It Should?

國最高法院正在「重訪」Affirmative Action(AA)是否違憲的爭議。這篇文章舉出較新的實證,認為這些給少數族裔加分的AA ,其實沒有幫到弱勢少數族裔學生---這些因加分而進入頂尖學校的學生,如果當初選擇讀較為普通...

2013-03-15 18:09:54


讀書筆記:美國德國與歐盟的「外國人權利」發展歷程Christian Joppke, The Evolution of Alien Rights in the United States, Germany, and the European Union, in Citizenship Today: Global Perspectives and Pra...

2013-03-06 22:35:49

Becoming An American

May 26, 1998Becoming An AmericanBy John J. MillerWASHINGTON—At a soccer game against Mexico in February, the American national team listened in frustration as a chorus of boos erupted during ''The St...

2013-03-03 21:40:27

This Story Stinks

March 2, 2013This Story StinksByDOMINIQUE BROSSARDandDIETRAM A. SCHEUFELEIN the beginning, the technology gods created the Internet and saw that it was good. Here, at last, was a public sphere with un...

2013-02-18 10:48:11

Equal Opportunity, Our National Myth

FEBRUARY 16, 2013,2:30 PMEqual Opportunity, Our National MythByJOSEPH STIGLITZPresident Obama's second Inaugural Address used soaring language to reaffirm America's commitment to the dream of equality...

2013-02-17 14:59:15

Guns, Democracy and the Supreme Court

Published onThe Nation(http://www.thenation.com)Guns, Democracy and the Supreme CourtPatricia J. Williams | January 16, 2013Credit:Kuppa[1],Shutterstock[2] As President Obama begins his second term, ...

2013-02-17 12:46:40

Why Gender Equality Stalled

February 16, 2013Why Gender Equality StalledBySTEPHANIE COONTZTHIS week is the 50th anniversary of the publication of Betty Friedan’s international best seller, “The Feminine Mystique,” which has b...

2013-02-17 12:06:57

California Eases Tone as Latinos Make Gains

February 16, 2013California Eases Tone as Latinos Make GainsByJENNIFER MEDINALOS ANGELES — A generation ago, California voters approved a ballot initiative that was seen as the most anti-immigrant la...

2013-02-15 20:07:26

Guns, Abortion and Mistrust

JANUARY 11, 2013,2:51 PMGuns, Abortion and MistrustByJULIET LAPIDOSBefore his closed-door meeting with gun-control advocates on Wednesday, Vice President Joe Bidenchatted briefly with reporters. What ...

2013-02-12 22:55:28

Modernize Registration and Require Early Voting Periods

February 11, 2013Modernize Registration and Require Early Voting PeriodsPresident Obama has a long agenda for his State of the Union address, but it is important that he not forget the most fundamenta...

2013-02-07 22:36:28


這是登載在本期教育部人權電子報的文章:什麼是歧視?什麼是「歧視」?法律管得著歧視嗎? 廖元豪 (國立政治大學法學院副教授) 我們生活中,往往會聽到「歧視」這個詞,但到底什麼是歧視呢? 讓我...

2013-02-04 21:54:12

A Rape a Minute, A Thousand Corpses a Year

Published onThe Nation(http://www.thenation.com)A Rape a Minute, A Thousand Corpses a YearRebecca Solnit | January 24, 2013A boy places a candle as demonstrators hold placards during a candlelight mar...

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