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此首《Rain》為荷蘭樂團Pussycat的歌曲,收錄在其1981的專輯《Blue Lights》中,並未另發行單曲。

說到Pussycat的成功,首推三姊妹的繼父,從小就陪養她們,買吉他並請老師教彈,帶她們參加才藝競賽等等。1963初次組團,最小的妹妹Toni才10歲,由於喜歡唱Bee Gees的歌曲,而被稱為Dutch Bee Gees。不過,自1964、65披頭合唱團竄起之後,Pussycat也不得不改變其歌曲的風格,且也開始加入男性團員。1973,姊妹的吉他老師Werner Theunissen親自下海領軍組成了新團“Sweet Reaction”。1975,該團與EMI唱片公司簽約,除了團名改為Pussycat外,也被要求由妹妹Toni單獨主唱,兩位姊姊負責合音。而Werner Theunissen真的是Pussycat成名的大功臣,因為Pussycat的首支單曲《Mississippi》即完全出自Werner Theunissen之手,Pussycat也以該曲在國際揚名立萬。

Sweet Reaction -- Werner Theunissen ( 前排左2 )

Werner Theunissen之後也替Pussycat寫過多首熱門暢銷曲,像是《Georgie》、《Teenage Queenie》等,此首《Rain》也是Warrant的作品。看起來這像是首失戀歌曲,看到下雨,心情是更加的傷感。青春期渴望愛情的小女生常會這樣,將自己的心情投射在周遭環境的變化之中,與萬物同喜同悲之。

亂談(626) Georgie


Loving him was easier one sunny day
Just a simple touch could make me fly away
Kisses on a summer evening
Looking at a perfect sleeving for the sky
Should I wonder why?
I can feel the falling rain
I can feel the falling rain
Its sad to be alone
So please don't take me home
Rain falling down on me
You may cover the trace of tears on my face
He'd rather see
Rain rain rain falling everywhere
On a bright summer morning he'll call again

Don't let him try in vain
Feel the rain
Trees are crying rivers down the cloudy hill
Raindrops chase away the lonely daffodil
Memories of loving last night looking at the broken twilight
Maybe I shouldn't wonder why
I can feel the falling rain
I can feel the falling rain
I can feel the falling rain
I can feel the falling rain
I can feel the falling rain

台長: 流浪阿狗
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