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老歌亂談(893)She Came In Through The Bathroom Window

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此曲為披頭合唱團的Paul McCartney所寫,而依慣例或是默契,作者由他和John Lennon共同掛名,收錄在披頭1969的專輯《Abbey Road》中。

McCartney寫此曲的靈感,係來自於他在倫敦St Jone's Wood ( 聖約翰伍德 )區的家遭到入侵事件。當時有一些瘋狂的披頭粉絲,沒事就會在Abbey Road的錄音室或披頭所組的公司Apple Corps,甚至是披頭成員的住家附近徘徊。當日,發現McCartney不在家,又看到二樓浴室的窗留有個小縫,正巧後院有把梯子,有位Diane Ashley小姐就架梯爬入室內,再下樓開門放大家進去。東翻西看之後,這些粉絲拿走了一些衣服及相片。侵入的其中一位粉絲Margo Bird,後常替McCartney遛狗也因而進到Apple Corps工作,並與McCartney成為好友,後應McCartney的要求,歸還了她所拿的McCartney父親的相片。多年後,率先侵入的Diane Ashley結婚了,回顧當年瘋狂的粉絲行為,她說:「I don't regret any of it. I had a great time, a really great time.」。

歌曲的內容並非是敘說該事件,有人認為是講和某位女子的關係,也有可能是東拼西湊,故弄玄虛,由聽歌者自行去解讀。像歌詞中「Protected by a silver spoon」,有人解讀為「含著銀(金)湯匙出生」。「Sunday's on the phone to Monday,Tuesday's on the phone to me」,則認為是「八卦傳得很快」。「She could steal but she could not rob」,接上一句「
And though she tried her best to help me,顯然是在影射「能力不足」。至於「And so I quit the police department」,McCartney後來在2002的書面文字中提到,說這是他在紐約坐計程車時,看到顯示司機的名字(Quitts),並說是「前警局部門」所得到的靈感。

由於錄製此曲時,和前一首《Polythene Pam》之間音樂未間斷,John Lennon也在此曲要開始時喊出「Oh, look out!」。翻唱此曲的除了Joe Cocker ( 1970 / # 30 ) 外,竟然還包含有Bee Gees等,但BG的版本走味太多。

She came in through the bathroom window
Protected by a silver spoon
But now she sucks her thumb and wanders
By the banks of her own lagoon
Didn't anybody tell her?
Didn't anybody see?
Sunday's on the phone to Monday
Tuesday's on the phone to me
She said she'd always been a dancer
She worked at fifteen clubs a day
And though she thought I knew the answer
Well, I knew what I could not say
And so I quit the police department
And got myself a steady job
And though she tried her best to help me
She could steal but she could not rob
Didn't anybody tell her?
Didn't anybody see?
Sunday's on the phone to Monday,
Tuesday's on the phone to me
Oh yeah

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(894)(I Believe) There's Nothing Stronger Than Our Love
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(892)A Good Feelin' to Know

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