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老歌亂談(1241)The Chain

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此首The Chain》其實是首「拼裝歌」,為將Fleetwood Mac各個成員之前所創作、但未獲採用的素材,由唱片公司的工程師將磁帶切接而成之 ( 歌詞則是女主唱Stevie Nicks單獨完成再經其他團員修改 ),故此曲的著作版權,登記在全部5名團員之下。此曲收錄在樂團1977的專輯《Rumours》中,單曲的成績不差,獲得第30名。

Fleetwood Mac原為英國樂團,1973於美國巡演期間,團員狀況不斷下相繼離開致瀕臨解散。1974,鼓手Mick Fleetwood招募美籍吉他手Lindsey Buckingham,但Buckingham的條件是要讓他當時的女友Stevie Nicks一起加入,而成了後來的5人組。樂團中不只BuckinghamNicks是一對情侶,貝士手John McVie與鍵盤手Christine McVie則是為夫妻。鼓手Mick FleetwoodJenny Boyd ( )1970結婚,卻在美國巡演開始沒多久,被Mick Fleetwood發現Boyd和吉他手Bob Weston有染,Bob因而被趕出樂團。

Mike Fleetwood & Jenny Boyd

Bob Weston

:Jenny Boyd的姊姊Pattie Boyd是大大的有名,先是嫁給了披頭合唱團的George Harrison (1964),卻被Harrison的好友Eric Clapton給喜歡上了,還鬧得人盡皆知。在與Harrison離婚後(1977)Pettie Boyd還真的又嫁給了Clapton (1979—88)

Pattie Boyd & George Harrison(右) & Eric Clapton

1976,Fleetwood Mac樂團來說,是個感情紛擾的一年。BuckinghamNicks的感情有了變化,倆人協議分手,Buckingham因而寫出了非常棒的一首 Go Your Own Way》作為回應。John McVie則因酗酒問題,也在這年與結縭了8年婚的老婆Christine離異,但倆人仍同為事業夥伴。鼓手Mick Fleetwood因老婆之前出軌,也在1976離婚,不過在同年又結了回來。令人詫異的是,Stevie Nicks在分手Buckingham後,除了與老鷹合唱團的鼓手Don Henley約會(1976—78),期間也和鼓手Fleetwood在一起(1977—78),導致Fleetwood再次與Boyd離婚,真是一團大混亂。在各團員之間關係緊張的情況之下所製作的上述專輯《Rumours》,成績卻是出奇的好,奪得了告示牌專輯排行榜的冠軍。

Don Henley & Stevie Nicks

2022,鍵盤手Christine McVie在醫院因中風過世,享年79歲。她是台長頗欣賞的一位女歌手,以下再貼她1975自寫自唱的《Say You Love me》以為致敬與懷念。



Listen to the wind blow, watch the sun rise
Running in the shadows, damn your love, damn your lies

And if you don't love me now
You will never love me again
I can still hear you saying
You would never break the chain (never break the chain)

And if you don't love me now (you don't love me now)
You will never love me again
I can still hear you saying (still hear you saying)
You would never break the chain (never break the chain)

Listen to the wind blow, down comes the night
Running in the shadows, damn your love, damn your lies
Break the silence, damn the dark, damn the light

And if you don't love me now
You will never love me again
I can still hear you saying
You would never break the chain (never break the chain)

And if you don't love me now (you don't love me now)
You will never love me again
I can still hear you saying (still hear you saying)
You would never break the chain (never break the chain)

And if you don't love me now (you don't love me now)
You will never love me again  
I can still hear you saying (still hear you saying)
You would never break the chain (never break the chain)

Chain keep us together (running in the shadow)
Chain keep us together (running in the shadow)
Chain keep us together (running in the shadow)  
Chain keep us together (running in the shadow)
Chain keep us together (running in the shadow)

台長: 流浪阿狗
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