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老歌亂談(825)Ma Belle Amie

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荷蘭樂團Tee Set成立於1966,1969在自己國家發行了這首《Ma Belle Amie》,唱片賣出超過了10萬張。或許覺得成績不錯有所可為,1970另在美國發行同名專輯,但只打進了告示牌200專輯排行榜的第158名。倒是單曲在美國竄紅,拿下了排行榜的第5名,並唱片大賣超過了一百萬張,當然也獲頒了「金唱片」。另在英國發行的版本有些不同,屬於「慢板」,聽起來有些怪怪的。

歌名「Ma Belle Amie」是法文,意思是「My beautiful (female) friend / 我美麗的朋友」,歌詞中其它的法文部份則是譯為「After all the beautiful days, I tell you thank you, thank you.」。看來歌曲述說的是一段少男「純純的愛」,和女生在一起時覺得很自然,認為對方應該就是屬於自己,而等到女生要展開新戀情時,才驚覺事情不妙,但也不知該如何阻止,只能說些「曾經在一起很快樂、謝謝妳!」等場面話,並看似祝福,其實還是滿心期待女生會回頭再來愛自己。

Tee Set樂團的下一首單曲《She Likes Weeds》,終於在荷蘭奪冠,但因涉及「嗑藥」,歌曲在美國遭到取締。Tee Set於1975解散,樂團主唱也是靈魂人物的Peter Tetteroo,2002死於肝癌,僅享年55歲。

Ma belle amie
You were a child of the sun
And the sky and the deep blue sea
Ma belle amie
Apres tous les beaux jours
Je te dis merci merci
You were the answer of all my questions
Before were through
I want to tell you that I adore you
And always do
That you amaze me by leaving me now
And start a-new
Ma belle amie I'm in love with you

Let the bells ring
Let the birds sing
Lets all give my substitute a big cheer
Let the bells ring
Let the birds sing
For the man after him waits here
For the man after him waits here

Ma belle amie
You were a child of the sun
And the sky and the deep blue sea
Ma belle amie
There was a time that you thought
That your only friend was me
You were the answer of all my questions
Before were through
I want to tell you that I adore you
And always do
That you amaze me by leaving me now
And start a-new
Ma belle amie I'm in love with you

台長: 流浪阿狗
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