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2014-07-28 17:51:00| 人氣4,523| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(297)Here's a Heart

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60年代的香港西洋歌曲樂壇,這位有著葡萄牙血統的Joe Jr. ( Jose Maria Rodrigues─羅利期 ) ,絕對稱得上是號人物。初時由於鋒頭太健,遮蓋了其他人的風采,而導致The Zoundcrackers樂團拆夥。1967年,又組Joe Jr. & The Side-Effects樂隊,並在同年推出此首《Here's a Heart》,除蟬聯香港流行榜七週的冠軍,銷量更高達二萬多張,創下了當時唱片量的銷售紀錄。這應該是Joe Jr.歌唱生涯最成功的一首歌曲,也是他的招牌歌之一。

網路上有人說,此首歌是Segal Lioned Ozah於1940年所作。但我認為,Joe Jr.比較有可能是翻唱英國樂團Dave Dee,Dozy,Beaky,Mick & Tich (也稱之為DDDBMT) 1966的版本,但這些都無關緊要,Joe Jr的翻唱版當年受到華人的喜愛,才是不爭的事實。

Here's a heart crying out for love
Here's a heart that's been guilty of loving you
If you gonna walk down the street where my baby lived
If you gonna go that way
I've got a message to give
If you had a chance to talk to her about me
Ask her if she's found
Someone to love her like me

Here's a heart crying out for love
Here's a heart that's been guilty of
Loving you too much
Loving you too much

Was I wrong not to let you out of my sight
Was I wrong to love you day and night
If you had a chance to talk to her about me
Ask her if she's found
Someone to love her like me

Here's a heart crying out for love
Here's a heart that's been guilty of
Loving you too much
Loving you too much

Here's a heart crying out for love
Here's a heart that's been guilty of
Loving you too much
Loving you too much

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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