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老歌亂談(296)Needles and Pins

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這首歌是Sonny Bono ( Cher,雪兒的前夫 ) 和Jack Nitzsche所合寫。依據Bono的自傳所述,他是隨著Nitzsche的吉他伴奏而唱 ( 當時的歌曲,和弦大致都是循著一些「模式」來進行 ),這首歌就這樣的被創作出來了。

率先錄唱此首歌的是美國女歌手Jackie DeShannon,在1963推出後只獲得牌行榜第83名,對此成績她當然頗為失望。幾年後在訪談中提到,雖然這首歌在幾個大城市都有不錯的成績 ( # 5 ),但由於唱片公司的宣傳協調問題,未能同時爆發而導致功虧一匱。緊接的翻唱者是英國樂團The Searchers ( 也算是「英倫入侵」樂團之一,該團最知名的歌曲是《Love Potion No. 9》─見亂談89 ),他們的版本在1964年獲告示牌排行榜第13名,也的確是唱得不錯,甚至被許多人誤認為是此曲的原唱者。

Needles是縫衣針,而Pins則是別針類的。Needles and Pins的意思是身體的某個部位被壓久了,血液不循環,會有像被針刺的麻痛感覺。像在這首歌中應該是跪久膝蓋發麻了吧。另,若是Sit on pins and needle,應該被翻成「如坐針氈」。對乎?

其實我滿喜歡原唱Jackie DeShannon的聲音,但可惜歌曲的音效稍差了一些。故我選了也是英國樂團Smokie的版本,我覺得主唱Chris Norman年輕時唱歌的聲音、表情和架勢,就是有那種味道的「帥」。哈,當然也有因為他背了一把我心目中的夢幻吉他---Rickenbacker。

I saw her today
I saw her face
It was a face I loved and I knew

I had to run away
And get down on my knees and pray
That they'd go away
And still they begin
Needles and pins
Because of all my pride
The tears I gotta hide
Oh, I thought I was smart
I'd won a heart, didn't think I do
But now you see
She's worse to him than me
Let her go ahead
And take his love instead
And one day she will see
Just how to say "Please"
And get down on her knees
That's how they begin
You'll feel those needles and pins
Hurtin' her, hurtin' her
What can't I stop
And tell myself I'm wrong, I'm wrong, so wrong?
What can't I stand up
And tell myself I'm strong?
Because I saw her today
I saw her face
It was a face I loved and I knew
I had to run away
And get down on my knees and pray
That they'd go away
And still they begin
Needles and pins
Because of all my pride
The tears I gotta hide
Needles and pins
Needles and pins
Needles and pins

台長: 流浪阿狗
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