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老歌亂談(833)You Really Got Me

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此曲為英國樂團The Kinks的主唱Ray Davies所寫,在錄完第一版後,由於曲風偏向藍調及節奏較慢,Ray本人及樂團均不滿意。重錄第二版時,Ray的弟弟Dave,也是樂團的主奏吉他手,刻意的將吉他音箱喇叭的紙盤割破及刺洞,以製造吉他聲音失真的效果 ( 這個台長我有經驗,在1967左右,台長有台4個十吋喇叭的電吉他音箱(40W),或許是經常音量開得太大,其中一個喇叭的紙盤被震破,而會有破風的「噗噗」聲,後來好不容易找到一家電器行才將之補好。),而這也成為了「fuzz ( 破音)」音效的先驅。

不過,一直有謠傳,此曲的主奏吉它,是由當時還在任錄音樂手的Jimmy Page ( 後為知名樂團Led Zeppelin的吉它手 ) 代打。大眾之所以會相信,是因為The Kinks才成立不久,甚至尚未推出過專輯,而且當時Dave Davies才17歲 ( Ray 20歲 ),毛頭小子怎可能有如此的吉他表現?當然此謠傳後經Jimmy Page本人及此曲的製作人Shel Talmy澄清與證實為誤。

Jimmy Page

據Ray Davies在2016的訪談中提到,此曲的靈感來自於某次在俱樂部演唱,在觀眾中有一年輕女孩,就是他喜歡的型,有著漂亮的嘴唇,身形微瘦、但還不至於皮包骨,有點像Françoise Hardy ( 法國女歌手 ),雖非長髮,但也及肩,足夠以手握住了。Ray Davies為此女孩寫了這首歌,即使之後再也未遇見過她。

Francoise Hardy

此曲在1964奪得了英國排行榜的冠軍,在美國 ( # 7 ) 及德國、加拿大、愛爾蘭等都有不錯的佳績,The Kinks因而成為了國際性的樂團,也名列在「英倫入侵 ( 美國 )」的樂團之一。

歌名「You Really Got Me」該如何翻?依歌詞內容,或許可譯成「你真的煞到我了」!^^

Girl, you really got me goin'
You got me so I don't know what I'm doin' now
Yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I can't sleep at night
Yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I don't know what I'm doin' now
Oh yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I can't sleep at night
You really got me
You really got me
You really got me
See, don't ever set me free
I always want to be by your side
Girl, you really got me now
You got me so I can't sleep at night
Yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I don't know what I'm doin' now
Oh yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I can't sleep at night
You really got me
You really got me
You really got me
Oh no
See, don't ever set me free
I always want to be by your side
Girl, you really got me now
You got me so I can't sleep at night
Yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I don't know what I'm doin' now
Oh yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I can't sleep at night
You really got me
You really got me
You really got me

台長: 流浪阿狗
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