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老歌亂談(834)Keep Your Hands Off My Baby

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人生的際遇實在難以預料,有時只能說:一切都是上帝的安排。Little Eva在進入卡洛‧金 ( Carole King ) 和葛里‧高芬 ( Gerry Goffin ) 這對夫婦家中當小孩的褓姆時,絕未料到自己日後竟會成為歌手。

從原來只是唱King & Goffin所寫的《The Loco-Motion》的demo ( 示範帶 ),最後變為由自己上陣,竟然還一舉奪得排行榜的冠軍 ( 1962 )。此首《Keep Your Hands Off My Baby》也是由King & Goffin所寫,緊接在前曲之後,成績也不差,在告示牌獲得第12名的佳績。

左二至左四:Carole King、Little Eva、Gerry Goffin

此曲的歌詞也饒富趣味性,主要是在警告「閨蜜」,倆人的感情即使好到要借衣服、首飾... 要怎樣都行,唯一的就是不准碰她的男友。其實Little Eva在感情上算是個「小女人」,King & Goffin發現她經常被男友「修理」,問她為何要忍受這種暴力對待?Little Eva連眼都沒眨一下就回說:男友會有如此行為,動機都是因為「愛她」。King & Goffin也因這件事,寫了一首《He Hit Me ( And It Fell Like A Kiss )》,由黑人女子合唱團體The Crystals於1962錄唱發行。

翻唱此曲的歌手也不少,像是有Skeeter Davis等。The Beatles於1963年一月,在英國廣播電台「Sturday Club」節目中演唱此曲 ( 為錄音播出 ),也在接下來的第一次英國巡演中演唱此曲。此曲並被收錄在1994發行的披頭專輯《Live at the BBC》中。

Little Eva的星運之途並沒有很順暢,接下來的幾首單曲均成績不佳,自1964起,等於是退隱了。2003,Little Eva死於子宮頸癌,享年59歲。她的墓碑上刻有「蒸汽火車」的圖像 ( 是為紀念她的《The Loco-Motion》),人死留名,能留下一首大家都記得的歌曲,也就不枉來世一遭了。

亂談(548) The Loco-Motion


We've been friends for oh, so long
I let you share what's mine
But when you mess with the boy I love
It's time to draw the line

Keep your hands (keep your hands) off my baby
I ain't gonna tell you but-a one more time
Oh, keep your hands (keep your hands) off my baby
Girl, you get it through your head
That boy is mine

I don't mind when you lend my clothes
My jewelry and such
But, honey, let's get something straight
There's one thing you don't touch

Keep your hands (keep your hands) off my baby
Girl, you get it through your head
That boy is mine

[Saxophone Interlude]

Keep your hands (keep your hands) off my baby
I ain't gonna tell you but-a one more time
Oh, keep your hands (keep your hands) off my baby
Girl, you get it through your head
That boy is mine

(Keep your hands)
Oh, keep your hands (off my) off my baby (baby)
I ain't gonna tell you twice
(Keep your hands off my)
He's mine (baby)
Yay, yay, yeah, he's mine
(Keep your hands off my)
You better watch yourself, now (baby)

台長: 流浪阿狗
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