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老歌亂談(997)Squeeze Box

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The Who -- 右二為Pete Townshend

此首《Squeeze Box》為英國樂團The Who的吉他手Pete Townshend所寫,收錄在該樂團1975的專輯《The Who by Numbers》中,單曲的成績頗佳,是該團睽違三年再度打進英國排行榜前10名的歌曲,在美國告示牌為第16,在加拿大則是奪得第1名的冠軍曲。

Squeeze有「壓、擠、榨」的意思,Squeeze Box是句俚語,指的是「手風琴(accordions)」或相關的樂器,另也有指為女姓的「陰道(vagina)」。由整個歌詞來看,其中像是「And when daddy comes home,He never gets no rest,'Cause she's playing all night」、「She goes in and out and in,And out and in and out and in and out,She's playing all night」「Mama's got a squeeze box,Daddy never sleeps at night」等,任誰看了都不會相信這是一首單純在講彈手風琴的正經歌。而樂團貝士手卻還辯護說這絕非是在影射女性的胸部,主唱也認為手風琴壓風的確需要「in- and- out」( 越描越黑?)。

寫歌的Pete Townshend在他1983發行的專輯《Scoop》( ←由他自己寫歌的試唱帶集合而成)中提到,他寫此首《Squeeze Box》純粹是為了好玩,意圖開個針對性不強的黃色玩笑,也根本沒想到此曲會成為暢銷曲。

1974,此曲原本構想在電視台表演,由100個上空女郎配合前胸掛著手風琴,圍繞著4位團員一起演出。用想的就知場面一定很壯觀有看頭 ( 而應該是不會有露點鏡頭 ),可惜後來未能實現。

亂談(614)Won't Get Fooled Again




美國鄉村女歌手Sheryl Crow的版本

Mama's got a squeeze box
She wears on her chest
And when daddy comes home
He never gets no rest
'Cause she's playing all night
And the music's all right
Mama's got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night

Well the kids don't eat
And the dog can't sleep
There's no escape from the music
In the whole damn street
'Cause she's playing all night
And the music's all right
Mama's got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night

She goes in and out and in
And out and in and out and in and out
She's playing all night
And the music's all right
Mama's got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night

She goes, squeeze me, come on and squeeze me
Come on and tease me like you do
I'm so in love with you
Mama's got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night

She goes in and out and in and out
And in and out and in and out
'Cause she's playing all night
And the music's all right
Mama's got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night

台長: 流浪阿狗
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