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2020-07-15 16:35:38| 人氣2,629| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(998)Sad Song ( Say So Much )

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想來我們都有需要分享一些傷痛的時刻,並將之撫平。英國歌手Elton John認為,為了不要將痛苦的記憶完全留存,此時最需要的是打開收音機,聽一些悲傷的歌曲,因為從老歌星的口中,說過的事是如此的多,可以分享到一些已知的問題而得到疏解,這也是這首《Sad Song ( Say So Much )》主要述說的內容。不過,這樣的說法邏輯似乎和我們一向所認知的不同,傷心難過的時候還要故意來聽悲傷的歌,豈不是「觸景傷情」「痛上加痛」?

此曲仍是Elton John和他的搭擋Bernie Taupin所合寫,收錄在John於1984發行的專輯《Breaking Hearts》中,並作為專輯最後一首結尾歌。單曲的成績也相當不錯,分別在英、美排行榜拿下第7及第5名。音樂影帶是在澳洲的雪梨拍的,內容看不出與歌曲有何關聯,其中John有好幾個鏡頭並未戴他的招牌眼鏡 ( 唱片封套上也是 ),也不知是啥用意。

Elton John所指的Sad Song,是那些老的「藍調」歌曲,這類歌曲的主題常常都是「被愛情拋棄」,看到別人的受傷的情況比自己還悽慘,應該會釋懷一些吧!


Guess there are times when we all need to share a little pain
And ironing out the rough spots
Is the hardest part when memories remain
And it's times like these when we all need to hear the radio
'Cause from the lips of some old singer
We can share the troubles we already know
Turn 'em on, turn 'em on
Turn on those sad songs
When all hope is gone
Why don't you tune in and turn them on
They reach into your room, oh oh oh
Just feel their gentle touch (gentle touch)
When all hope is gone
Sad songs say so much
If someone else is suffering enough oh to write it down
When every single word makes sense
Then it's easier to have those songs around
The kick inside is in the line that finally gets to you
And it feels so good to hurt so bad
And suffer just enough to sing the blues
So turn 'em on, turn 'em on
Turn on those sad songs
When all hope is gone
Why don't you tune in and turn them on
They reach into your room, oh oh oh
Just feel their gentle touch (gentle touch)
When all hope is gone
You know sad songs say so much
Sad songs, they say
Sad songs, they say
Sad songs, they say
Sad songs, they say so much
So, turn 'em on, (turn 'em on), turn 'em on, (turn 'em on)
Turn on those sad songs
When all hope is gone
Why don't you tune in and turn them on
They reach into your room, oh oh oh
Just feel their gentle touch (gentle touch)
When all hope is gone
You know sad songs say so much
When all hope is gone
You know sad songs say so much
When ever little bit of hope is gone
Sad songs say so much
When ever little bit of hope is gone
Sad songs say so much
When all hope is gone
Sad songs say

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(999)9,999,999 Tears
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2020-07-17 02:30:06
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