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老歌亂談(1077)Just an Illusion

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此曲為荷蘭樂團BZN於1983年所推出的歌曲,在該國排行榜獲得第3名。BZN是荷蘭語Band Zonder Naam的字首縮寫,英文意思是Band Without Name。BZN成立於1966,至2007解散前共有50首熱門曲,且自1973─1998,連續26年均有入榜前40名的歌曲,在荷蘭是非常知名受歡迎的樂團。

Julia Zahra原出生於美國,後被一對荷蘭夫婦收養。2013,18歲時贏得了「The Voice of Holland」,是為該比賽最年輕的冠軍得主,因而中斷了大學學業,以積極追求她的歌唱事業。2015,在電視節目「Beste Zangers」中翻唱此首《Just an Illusion》,此版本竟然登上了排行榜的榜首。

Illusion的中文意思是「幻想」、「錯覺」,歌曲說的是一名歌手幻想成名,表面光鮮亮麗,但因此付出的代價難以向外人道 ( 潛規則?),不禁懷疑起人生的價值來了。前不久的新聞,紐導演性侵案判刑確定將入監服刑。該案讓人起疑的是,當日聚會後其他人都離開了,唯獨該女留了下來,這的確容易讓人產生「錯覺」,無怪乎紐導迄今仍不認罪。

BZN主唱Anny Schilder的歌喉相當不錯。


Julia Zahra的詮釋也相當有一套。


納米比亞女歌手Juanita du Plessis和兒子、女兒三人組,翻唱Julia Zahra的版本。

I've been told 'bout living like a star
Hotel Ritz, champaign and caviar
But no one ever showed me the reverse
And that really hurts
Babe, it really hurts
They try to sell your body and your soul
(Babe, want you, my love, babe, want you)
It's the price you pay for rock 'n' roll
(Babe, want you, my love, babe, want you)
And no one understands it how you feel
For it's so unreal
Oh, it's so unreal
Baby, don't you cry for me
It's an illusion, just an illusion
I thought I knew what life should be
It's an illusion
Just an illusion
When critics crucify your latest show
(Babe, want you, my love, babe, want you)
Another drink and then you lose control
(Babe, want you, my love, babe, want you)
But then on stage, I feel a fire burn
There is no return
I'm always on the run
I give it to you, babe, with all my heart
(Babe, want you, my love, babe, want you)
For it's not too late
Baby, it's not too late
Baby, don't you cry for me
It's an illusion, just an illusion
I thought I knew what life should be
It's an illusion
Just an illusion
Baby, don't you cry for me
It's an illusion, just an illusion
I thought I knew what life should be
It's an illusion
Just an illusion

台長: 流浪阿狗
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