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老歌亂談(722)You Can't Always Get What You Want

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此曲為英國滾石樂團The Rolling Stones的主唱Mick Jagger和吉他手Keith Richards所合寫,收錄於1969的專輯《Let It Bleed》中,並另作為單曲《Honky Tonk Women》的B面發行,惜未能入榜。而唱片公司不死心,於1973又以重新發行,但也只在告示牌熱門榜獲得第42名。而即便如此,這首歌在滾石雜誌2004「歷來最偉大的500首歌曲」中,仍排名第100。

此曲收錄於專輯的完整版長度為7分30秒,開始時的合唱聲音為London Bach Choir ( 倫敦巴赫合唱團 )。歌詞分為三部份,闡述的內容分別隱含為愛情、政治和毒品。第三段歌詞中出現的人名「Mr. Jimmy」,有位住在明尼蘇達州Excelsior的Jimmy Hutmaker老兄,自稱歌中的這位Jimmy就是指他,並說1964曾在Excelsior的藥房遇到過Mick Jagger。而另有一說,Mr. Jimmy其實是由樂團的製作人Jimmy Miller引發而來。由於在錄製此曲時,鼓手Charlie Watts一時無法掌握到鼓點的節拍,Jimmy Miller原本只是想示範,結果變成直接由他替代上場。

Jimmy Miller ( 前左 )


I saw her today at the reception
A glass of wine in her hand
I knew she would meet her connection
At her feet was her footloose man

No, you can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometime you find
You get what you need

We went down to the demonstration
To get your fair share of abuse
Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration
If we don't we're gonna blow a fifty-amp fuse"

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you just might find
You get what you need

I went down to the Chelsea drugstore
To get your prescription filled
I was standing in line with Mr. Jimmy
And man, did he look pretty ill
We decided that we would have a soda
My favorite flavor, cherry red
I sung my song to Mr. Jimmy
Yeah, and he said one word to me, and that was "dead"
I said to him

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You get what you need

You get what you need--yeah, oh baby

I saw her today at the reception
In her glass was a bleeding man
She was practiced at the art of deception
Well I could tell by her blood-stained hands

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(723)In Dreams
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(721)Rockin' Years

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