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老歌亂談(612)Let's Have a Party

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美國女歌手Wanda Jackson從1954還是高中時期,就開始了她的職業歌唱生涯。過程是先前參加才藝競賽得到冠軍,獲得在當地電台有個人的節目時間,而鄉村歌手Hank Thompson就是因為聽到了她在電台的唱歌,邀請她在週末和自己的樂隊The Brazos Valley Boys一起表演,而且錄唱發行了幾首歌,其中一首和樂隊成員之一的合唱曲《You Can't Have My Love》,在1954進入了鄉村榜第8名。之後,Wanda Jackson簽入了Decca唱片公司旗下。

1955,才剛高中畢業,Wanda Jackson就參加了一個巡迴演唱團體,而歌手的成員中就包含了有貓王Elvis Presley,當時的貓王還只是顆明日之星,才剛開始要竄紅。倆人曾一起看電影、吃漢堡,有過短時期的情人約會。貓王也建議及教她如何的唱鄉村搖滾 ( Rockabilly )。多年後,Wanda Jackson果然因此博得了「Queen of Rockabilly」或是「First Lady of Rockabilly」的封號。

這首《Let's Have a Party》是Elvis Presley為1957主演的電影《Loving You》所錄唱的插曲。1958,Wanda Jackson就翻唱此曲,並收錄在她的同名專輯《Wanda Jackson》中,而直到1960才另發行單曲,此單曲進入了英國排行榜達到了第32名,在美國告示牌熱門排行榜也得到了第37名,Wanda Jackson重要的Rockabilly歌曲並,此版本也出現在1989廣受好評的電影《Dead Poets Society》( 台譯:春風化雨 ) 中。此曲的翻唱者眾多,包含了有Led Zeppelin等,而奇怪的是,大家都喜歡另取歌名。其中像是披頭成員的Paul McCartney,就是用了《Party》的歌名。

倘若Wanda Jackson知道貓王Elvis日後會有如此的成就,會不會緊緊的抓住他不放?事實上,Wanda Jackson只不過是在Elvis Presley傳言交往的48個花名單中排名第7 ( 依時間序 )。1961,Wanda Jackson嫁給了一位IBM的程式設計師,後擔任她的經理人。

附註Who's Dated Who?/ 貓王約會對象


Some people like to rock, some people like to roll
But movin' and a-groovin's gonna satisfy my soul
Let's have a party
Hoo, let's have a party
Well, send 'im to the store Let's buy some more
Let's have a party tonight
I never kissed a bear, I never kissed a coon
But I can shake a chicken in the middle of the room
Let's have a party
Hoo, let's have a party
Well, send 'im to the store Let's buy some more
Let's have a party tonight
I never kissed a bear, I never kissed a goon (?)
But I can shake a chicken in the middle of the room
Let's have a party
Hoo, let's have a party
Well, send 'im to the store Let's buy some more
Let's have a party tonight
Honky-Tonky' Joe is knockin' at the door
Bring him in an' fill 'im up an' sit 'im on the floor
Let's have a party
Hoo, let's have a party
Well, send 'im to the store Let's buy some more
Let's have a party tonight
The meat is on the stove, the bread's a-gettin' hot
Everybody run, they got the possum in the pot
Let's have a party
Hoo, let's have a party
Well, send 'im to the store
Let's buy some more
Let's have a party tonight
Let's have a party tonight
Let's have a party tonight
We're gonna have a party tonight

台長: 流浪阿狗
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