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老歌亂談(611)It Takes Two

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Marvin Gaye從6、70年代以來,一直都是Motown唱片公司的重要歌手,也因此博得了「Prince of Motown」及「Prince of Soul」的稱號。此曲為他和同公司女歌手Kim Weston的合唱曲,有趣的是,唱片製作人William “Mickey”Stevenson ( 亦為寫歌者之一 ) 是Kim Weston的前夫,結果此曲尚未正式發行,這對「前夫婦」就一起跳槽到MGM唱片公司。

1967,《It Takes Two》拿下了告示牌流行排行榜的第14名,在靈魂單曲榜則為第4,另在英國排行榜攻進了第16名,也是Marvin Gaye在英國首度入榜前40名的歌曲。由於此曲的成功以及Kim Weston的離開,因而造就了另位女歌手Tammi Terrell和Marvin Gaye搭擋合作情歌對唱,甚至曾現場演唱這首《It Takes Two》( 讓Kim Weston有些吃味及懊悔 )。但命運之神實在是太會捉弄人,之後不到一年,Tammi Terrell才正要開始在歌壇發光發熱,卻被發現罹患腦瘤,雖幾經治療,仍不敵病魔,終於在1970辭世,僅享年24歲。( Marvin Gaye也好不到哪去,1988,45歲生日的前夕,在家中與父親發生爭執,遭父親槍擊身亡。)

翻唱此曲的男女歌手包含有Otis Redding和Carla Thomas, Donny and Marie Osmond兄妹。1990,Rod Stewart和Tina Turner的版本,獲得英國排行榜的第5名,以及在許多的歐洲國家,均為在排行榜的前10名。

每個人都有自己的夢想或是願望,以及一些快樂、傷心的情事,你 ( 妳 ) 願獨自埋藏在心底還是願和情人一起分享呢?

此版本合唱的女歌手並非Tina Turner,而應是 Natasha Pearce。

One can have a dream, baby
Two can make a dream so real
One can talk about being in love
Two can see how it really feels

One can wish upon a star
Two can make a wish come true, yeah
One can stand alone in the dark
Two can make a light shine through

It takes two, baby
It takes two, baby,
Me and you
You know it takes two
It takes two, baby
It takes two, baby
Make a dream come true
It just takes two

One can have a broken heart
Living in misery
Two can really ease the pain
Like a perfect remedy
One can be alone in a bar,
Like an island he's all alone
Two can make just any place
Seem just like bein' at home

It takes two, baby
It takes two, baby
Me and you
It just takes two
It takes two, baby
It takes two, baby,
To make a dream come true
It just take two
Just takes two
Just takes two

One can go out to a movie
Looking for a special treat
Two can make that single movie
Something really kind of sweet
And one can take a walk in the moonlight
Thinking that's it's really nice
But two lovers walking hand in hand
Is like adding just a pinch of spice

It takes two, baby
It takes two, baby
Me and you
Just takes two
It takes two, baby
It takes two, baby
To make a dream come true

台長: 流浪阿狗
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