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老歌亂談(192)Special Delivery

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60年代有許多的西洋歌曲是所謂的bubblegum pop ( 泡泡糖流行樂 ),其特色是節奏輕快,聽來令人感覺愉悅,而歌詞通俗並不富什麼深刻含意,主要是為吸引青少年甚至更年輕一些的族群。由於這些年輕族群的消費能力較低,故多以單曲的方式發行。而1910 Fruitgum Company即為此類流行曲風的代表樂團之一。60年代我也正值青少年時期,當然也會喜歡這類的歌曲,哈哈,還一直到現在。

1910 Fruitgum Company樂團最出名的歌曲應該就是《Simon Says》了,另外和《1,2,3, Red Light》《Indian Giver》這兩首都獲得了銷售超過百萬張的金唱片, 以後會陸續再來作介紹。這首1969的《Special Delivery》雖然入榜的名次只達到38,但我個人覺得也還不錯聽。


What makes me feel so good
I got your lovin every day
Just like you know you should
You keep it coming, coming my way
yeah yeah yeah
Ain't no lie, tell you that I
Ain't never felt so fine
It's for sure, tell you
That you're up on the top one of a kind
You bring your love to me, special delivery
Special delivery, you give your love to me
Who got the love I need
Baby, it's you and I know for sure
You know the way to please
And when I need it you got the cure
Let me tell you now
Ain't no lie, tell you that I
Ain't never felt so fine
It's for sure, tell you
That you're up on the top one of a kind
You bring your love to me, special delivery
Special delivery, you give your love to me
All right, up on the top, one of a kind
You bring your love to me, special delivery
Special delivery, you give your love to me
You bring your love to me, special delivery
Special delivery, you give your love to me

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(193)Mony Mony
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(191)Someday Never Comes

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