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老歌亂談(372)Like A Rolling Stone

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昨天晚上看電視新聞,提到美國影星茱莉安摩爾 ( Julianne Moore ) 以〈寂寞星圖〉 ( Maps to the Stars ) 奪得坎城影展最佳女演員獎,也成為第二位獲得世界三大影展 ( 坎城、柏林、威尼斯 ) 最佳女演員獎的大滿貫演員。巧的是,新聞後沒多久,就在電影台看到她和席維斯史特龍合演的〈刺客戰場〉( Assassins ),而影片中就出現了這首《Like A Rolling Stone》,但只是短短的幾句。

Julianne Moore

這首歌是Bob Dylan於1965所作,歌名與滾石樂隊 ( The Rolling Stones ) 無關,而是出自於諺語「滾石不生苔」( A rolling stone gathers no moss )。其實Bob Dylan是從Hank Williams的歌曲《Lost Highway》中的歌詞 --- 「I'm a rolling stone, I'm alone and lost」所得來的想法。此曲於1965獲得告示牌熱門100排行榜的第二名及錢櫃排行榜的第一名,也使得Bob Dylan從大眾所認知的民謠歌手跨越至搖滾領域。


2014年,Bob Dylan所寫此曲的歌詞原稿,經公開標售,賣得了200萬美元,也創下了流行音樂手稿的拍賣記錄。

對於滾石樂隊來說,這首歌等於是「團歌」了,焉能不唱?由於Bob Dylan的版本有6分多鐘,故我還是選了滾石的版本,至少還熱鬧些。

Once upon a time you dressed so fine
Threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you?
People call say 'beware doll, you're bound to fall'
You thought they were all kidding you
You used to laugh about
Everybody that was hanging out
Now you don't talk so loud
Now you don't seem so proud
About having to be scrounging your next meal

How does it feel, how does it feel?
To be without a home
Like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone

Ahh you've gone to the finest schools, alright Miss Lonely
But you know you only used to get juiced in it
Nobody's ever taught you how to live out on the street
And now you're gonna have to get used to it
You say you never compromise
With the mystery tramp, but now you realize
He's not selling any alibis
As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes
And say do you want to make a deal?

How does it feel, how does it feel?
To be on your own, with no direction home
A complete unknown, like a rolling stone

Ah you never turned around to see the frowns
On the jugglers and the clowns when they all did tricks for you
You never understood that it ain't no good
You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you
You used to ride on a chrome horse with your diplomat
Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat
Ain't it hard when you discovered that
He really wasn't where it's at
After he took from you everything he could steal

How does it feel, how does it feel?
To have on your own, with no direction home
Like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone

Ahh princess on a steeple and all the pretty people
They're all drinking, thinking that they've got it made
Exchanging all precious gifts
But you better take your diamond ring, you better pawn it babe
You used to be so amused
At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used
Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse
When you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to lose
You're invisible now, you've got no secrets to conceal

How does it feel, ah how does it feel?
To be on your own, with no direction home
Like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(371)Come On Down To My Boat

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