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老歌亂談(371)Come On Down To My Boat

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就歌曲來說,常常未必是「先唱先贏」。這首《Come On Down To My Boat》就是先由The Rare Breed樂團於1966推出,但成績普普。後因是同一位唱片製作人,1967再交由Every Mother's Son來唱,卻一舉衝上了告示牌熱門100排行榜的第6名 ( 年度排名 # 22 )。

當初MGM唱片公司會和Every Mother's Son簽約,也有是因為該樂團成員有別於嬉皮的清新外型。雖然首張專輯即以此曲一炮而紅,但卻未能繼續維持戰果,之後的專輯在唱片公司的努力促銷下,仍無佳績。樂團只成立了兩年就解散了,也成了所謂的「一曲樂團」。

20年後的1987年,美國「海盜 ( 地下 ) 電台」-- Radio Newyork International,在紐約長島外的一艘船上設置裝備作為其基地台,而就是以這首《Come On Down To My Boat》作為首播曲,也蠻有趣的。

這首歌詞淺顯易懂,同歌名的這句詞也容易上口,是當年的流行曲 ( 應該是男生比較喜歡吧^^ )。香港樂團 The Quests 和 Teddy Robin & The Playboys亦均曾翻唱過此曲。

She Sits on the dock a fishin' in the water, uh huh
I don't know her name she's the fisherman's daughter, uh huh
Come on down to my boat, baby
Come on down where we can play
Come on down to my boat baby
Come on down, we'll sail away

She smiled so nice like she wants to come with me, uh huh
But she's tied to the dock and she can't get free
Come on down to my boat, baby
Come on down where we can play
Come on down to my boat, baby
Come on down, we'll sail away

Fish all day, sleep all night
Father never lets her out of his sight
Soon I'm gonna have to get my knife and cut that rope (cut that rope)

Then we can go fishin' in my little red boat
Make you happy in my little red boat
So come on down to my boat baby
Come on down where we can play
Come on down to my boat, baby
Come on down, we'll sail away

Come on down to my boat, baby
Come on down where we can play
Come on down to my boat, baby
Come on down we'll sail away

台長: 流浪阿狗
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2014-12-19 15:10:00
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