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老歌亂談(191)Someday Never Comes

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作這首歌的C.C.R.的主唱John Fogerty說,當他還是孩童時,他的父母親離婚,父親離家前對他說:要成為一個男子漢,有一天你會明白所有的事情。結果,他自己也在1966離婚,同樣的告訴5歲的兒子,「有一天」你會明白所有的事情。很顯然,他和他的孩子,都必需靠自己摸索來了解關於父親離家的這些事情。

另外,孩子常會對父母提出要求,像是:何時可以帶他去釣魚?有時父母會說「someday」,但這個「someday」常常不會被兌現。如此,孩童也喪失了他們原當可以被即時教育學習的機會,這也是John Fogerty希望藉著這首歌能帶給做父母的一些省思。

C.C.R. ( 清水合唱團 )在1972推出此曲,排行榜的名次為#25。


First thing I remember was askin' papa, "Why?",
For there were many things I didn't know.
And Daddy always smiled; took me by the hand,
Sayin', "Someday you'll understand."

Well, I'm here to tell you now each and ev'ry mother's son
You better learn it fast; you better learn it young,
'Cause, "Someday" Never Comes."

Well, time and tears went by and I collected dust,
For there were many things I didn't know.
When Daddy went away, he said, "Try to be a man,
And, Someday you'll understand."


And then, one day in April, I wasn't even there,
For there were many things I didn't know.
A son was born to me; Mama held his hand,
Sayin' "Someday you'll understand."


Think it was September, the year I went away,
For there were many things I didn't know.
And I still see him standing, try'n' to be a man;
I said, "Someday you'll understand."

台長: 流浪阿狗
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