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老歌亂談(699) Memphis, Tennessee

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就在上個月,美國搖滾樂的先驅者Chuck Berry終於也蒙主寵召,享年90歲。姑不論Chuck Berry在流行音樂上的成就,就以他的那首《Johnny B. Goode》被選為代表地球的聲音之一,這些聲音製成鍍金唱片後置入了「時空膠囊」,由航海家一、二號探測器帶入太空,即已是畢生無比的殊榮了。

此首《Memphis, Tennessee》是Chuck Berry自寫自唱,1959發行單曲 ( 為另首《Back in the U.S.A.》的B面 ),卻疲弱無力未受到關注。直至1963,有位吉他手Lonnie Mack將此曲的節奏加快,並穿插了自己的一些即興彈奏,推出了演奏版,並定名為《Memphis》,結果竟然拿下了流行排行榜的第5名,此首歌也因而跟著活了過來。

Lonnie Mack


翻唱這首歌的有Paul Anka、Roy Obrison、Tom Jones、美英的貓王Elvis Presley及Cliff Richard、The Beatles、The Rolling Stones、The Animals、The Hollies……,大牌的歌手和樂團幾乎都快到齊了。而最成功的翻唱者應該是Johnny Rivers,他沿襲了Lonnie Mack的曲風,一舉奪得了排行榜的第2名,應該算是他出道的成名曲。但後來被貓王Presley自傳的作者在書中爆料,說Rivers和貓王曾是好朋友,某日Rivers去到貓王家中,聽到了這首《Memphis, Tennessee》的試壓唱片( Test-Pressing / 貓王當時尚未決定是否要發行 ),覺得喜歡,還要求貓王播放了好幾遍。結果,反倒是Rivers自己先發行了這首歌。貓王覺得Rivers「來陰的」, 將這首歌給「偷」了,自此將Rivers從朋友名單中除去,未再與之交往。Rivers看到了這種說法相當生氣,並替自己辯駁說其實他早就注意到了這首歌,且貓王並未不高興云云。事實如何?當然因貓王過世而「死無對證」,但許多人還是選擇相信這個故事的真實性。

Long distance information, give me Memphis, Tennessee
Help me find the party trying to get in touch with me
She could not leave her number, but I know who placed the call
'Cause my uncle took the message and he wrote it on the wall

Help me, information, get in touch with my Marie
She's the only one who'd phone me here from Memphis, Tennessee
Her home is on the south side, high up on a ridge
Just a half a mile from the Mississippi bridge

Help me, information, more than that I cannot add
Only that I miss her and all the fun we had
But we were pulled apart because her mom did not agree
And tore apart our happy home in Memphis, Tennessee

Last time I saw Marie, she was waving me goodbye
With hurry-home drops on her cheek that trickled from her eye
Marie is only 6 years old, information, please
Try to put me through to her in Memphis, Tennessee

台長: 流浪阿狗
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