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老歌亂談(1071)Long Road Home

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2008,美國女歌手Sheryl Crow出了一張錄音室專輯《Home for Christmas》,但僅在「Hallmark」的店中銷售。2010,此專輯又重新包裝發行,但這次改在「Target」連鎖店。2011,專輯正式在全球發行,包含了CD和數位下載,截至2011年底,在美國已賣出了4萬張,而此首《Long Road Home》則只包含於2011的版本中。

以下所貼影音,是Sheryl Crow於2010年在「Crossroads Guitar Festival」之現場演唱。此Crossroad吉他音樂節是由號稱「吉他之神」的英國歌手Eric Clapton於1999所創立,旨在將此義演收入挹注設在中美洲小島Antigua ( 安提瓜 – 為島國Antigua and Barbuda的其中一個島 ) 上的「戒毒中心 ─ Crossroad Centre ( 此亦為Eric Clapton於1998與人共同創立 )」。好,再說回Sheryl Crow,此位小姐和Eric Clapton曾是情侶關係(1998-2000),出現在Crossroad音樂節自然毫不意外,倆人分手後Sheryl仍繼續參加此音樂節,可見其「愛情學分」修得不錯。攤開Sheryl的羅曼史,經媒體「認證」的就有12位,其中包含了演員Owen Wilson (1999-2001)。不知為何,台長我看這位Owen老兄就是不順眼,感覺像是個痞子渣男,2007還企圖自殺未遂。果不其然,Owen曾和3個不同女人生了3個小孩而均迄未結婚。

Eric Clapton & Sheryl Crow

Owen Wilson & Sheryl Crow

有些歌曲有了其他歌手的助唱加持,效果就大大的不一樣,影音中戴墨鏡的Susan Tedeschi雖然只是唱合音,感覺其風采比Sheryl還吸睛,另坐著的左手吉他手,為此曲的共同作者之一Doyle Bramhall II。

亂談(715)It Hurt So Bad / Susan Tedeschi

Teach me the Golden Rule
Make me a lovesick fool
In the light of day
Let sorrow drift away
Crown of thorns has many jewels
Songs of glory sung in hate
Only destroy what love has made
And if the Kingdom comes
Don't wanna be the one
That is standing in the way
Sure as the wind blows
Sure as the rivers flow
We will meet again
On the long road home
They say they've seen His face
They say He's called their name
I have heard their lies
Heard the people's cries
Time has come, it's getting late
All the stories I have heard
Enlightened ones who walked the earth
They bring me sweet relief
Rid me of human grief
I am free from every hurt
Sure as the wind blows
Sure as the river flows
We will meet again
On the long road home
Doesn't matter if you're right or wrong
You hear Sylvester sing a simple song
What they've been saying for oh so long
'Cause love and happiness is what's going on
We will meet again
On the long road home
Sure as the wind blows
Sure as the rivers flow
We will meet again
On the long road home
Sure as the wind blows
Sure as the rivers flow
We will meet again
On the long road home

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(1070)One Day at a Time

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