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老歌亂談(1073)You're My Best Friend

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此首《You're My Best Friend》為美國鄉村歌手Don Williams於1975年發行的同名專輯中的單曲,拿下告示牌鄉村榜的第1名,也是他個人第2首的冠軍曲。

Don William的嗓音低沈、溫柔,但身形卻頗為魁梧,故得到了個「溫柔的巨人(Gentle Giant )」的綽號。自1974至1991,Don William共發行了46首單曲,僅有4首不在前10名,而其中包含有17首冠軍曲,此成績算是相當驚人和不容易的了。2017,Don Milliams因「慢性阻塞性肺病」辭世,享年78歲。

看起來這有些像是首「老夫老妻」的歌曲 ( 婚禮中唱也OK?)。而東方人似不太會稱另一半為「Best Friend」,不過,台長我倒有以此向老婆表白過一次,效果頗佳,大家不妨可以試試。^^

以下另貼南非歌手Teuns Jordaan與Juanita Du Plessis合唱的版本,Teuns也是位中低音歌手,此曲由男女合唱,似乎更加深了彼此的情意。



You placed gold on my finger
You brought love like I've never known
You gave life to our children
And to me a reason to go on
You're my bread when I'm hungry
You're my shelter from troubled winds
You're my anchor in life's ocean
But most of all you're my best friend
When I need hope and inspiration
You're always strong when I'm tired and weak
I could search this whole world over
You'd still be everythin' that I need
You're my bread when I'm hungry
You're my shelter from troubled winds
You're my anchor in life's ocean
But most of all you're my best friend
You're my bread when I'm hungry
You're my shelter from troubled winds
You're my anchor in life's ocean
But most of all you're my best friend

台長: 流浪阿狗
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