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老歌亂談(989)I Just Can't Help Believin'

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1969,美國出品了一部警匪西部片《Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid》(台譯:虎豹小霸王),由保羅紐曼勞勃瑞福兩大帥哥主演,電影當然是叫好又賣座,相信許多人當年都曾看過。而時至今日,多數人對影片的情節恐已模糊,但一定仍記得電影的主題曲《Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head》( 雨點不斷打在我的頭上 ),看來是歌比影片還紅。這首歌的演唱者為美國歌手B.J. Thomas,此曲當然也成為了他的招牌歌之一。BJ其他像是《Hooked on a Feeling》及《(Hey Won't You Play) Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song》等也應是台灣歌友較熟悉的歌曲。


挾著上述歌曲成功的餘威,B.J. Thomas於1970再推出此首《I Just Can't Help Believin'》單曲,成績也頗不錯,在告示牌熱門榜獲得第9名,在易聽榜則為冠軍曲。貓王Elvis Presley在1970翻唱BJ的版本,收錄在他的專輯《That's the Way It Is》中,另僅在英國發行單曲,獲得了UK排行榜第6名。

當「幸運之神」忽然降臨,像是中了大彩或被升了大官,那種興奮的心情恐連自己都「難以置信」。此曲的背景狀況晦曖不明,感覺是男主角與某女子在一起過夜 ( 一夜情?買春?),早上醒來後忽然發現女子各種的好,包含微笑、眼神和喘息,甚至還能感覺到女子小手的無助,簡直就是「神魂顛倒」了,而決心要將女子多留下個幾天。


I just can't help believin'
When she smiles up soft and gentle
With a trace of misty morning
And the promise of tomorrow in her eyes
I just can't help believin'
When she's lying close beside me
And my heart beats with the rhythm of her sighs
This time the girl is gonna stay
This time the girl is gonna stay
For more than just a day
Oh, I just can't help believin'
When she slips her hand in my hand
And it feels so small and helpless
As my fingers fold around it like a glove
I just can't help believin'
When she's whispering her magic
And her tears are shining honey sweet with love
This time the girl is gonna stay
This time the girl is gonna stay
For more than just a day
For more than just a day

台長: 流浪阿狗
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