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老歌亂談(990)Give Me Your Heart Tonight

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英國搖滾歌手Shakin’ Stevens從1970開始,幾乎每年都發行專輯和單曲,但每一擊都「揮棒落空」,根本無緣進入排行榜;直到1980,才勉強有兩首歌打進UK排行榜前30名,呵呵,真像是「十年寒窗」啊!Shakin’ Stevens真正開始走紅,是在1981以一首《This Ole House》奪得UK榜冠軍寶座,在接下來的10年,不僅所發行的單曲都站上了排行榜,其中還包含了另外3首的冠軍曲。

此首《Give Me Your Heart Tonight》是由1982同名專輯中另發行的單曲,很顯然是該專輯的主打歌,但成績不如同專輯另首攻下冠軍的《Oh Julie》,只拿到了第11名。

1987,Shakin' Stevens所發行的一首《Because I Love You》,在台灣是紅到不行,或許是因為英國排行榜的歌曲並非主流,且當年未再引進此位老兄的其他歌曲,故大家對這位歌手並不算熟悉。想來是這位Stevens老兄因模仿「貓王」Elvis吃到了些甜頭,之後即一直守著「老式謠滾」的風格,雖然在英國頗具知名度,卻未能打進「國際級」的市場。由於「英國貓王」的名號,先前已被Cliff Richard給佔去了,否則應該封給這位Shakin' Stevens才是。

亂談(621)Because I Love You



Oh-hoh tonight
I'm walking the streets again
Running away
From all of my tears and friends
Oh-hoh tonight
The stars are in darkened sky
They don't hold all our life
I can see in your lonely eyes
'Cause I'm not waiting for a secret
I don't wanna hear a lie
Don't want the promise of tomorrow
Give me your heart tonight
Too young
Too young to start selling down
I'm getting too old
To wanna keep running around
Oh-hoh your love
Is something I don't wanna miss
And I follow
Is leading on a one night kiss
'Cause I'm not crying without out reason
I'm not asking what is right
Just like the changing of the season
Give me your heart tonight
'Cause I'm not waiting for a secret
I don't wanna hear a lie
Don't want the promise of tomorrow
Give me your heart tonight
I'm not crying without out reason
I'm not asking what is right
Just like the changing of the season
Give me your heart tonight
I'm not crying without out reason
I'm not asking what is right
Just like the changing of the season
Give me your heart tonight
Ohhhhh, Ohhh, Ohhhhh
Give me your heart tonight

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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