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老歌亂談(222)Time of the Season

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成立於1962年的英國搖滾樂團The Zombies ( 殭屍合唱團 ),1964推出了他們的第一張單曲《She's Not There》,成績不惡,打進了英國排行榜第12名。之後也循例至美國做巡迴表演,第一次上當地電視節目時,演唱了《She's Not There》及另一首《Tell Her No》,引起現場青少女觀眾的滿場尖叫。奇怪?當年我聽這兩首歌,感覺好像也不... 怎麼樣。《Tell Her No》1965在美國是獲得了第6名。

1967,The Zombies簽入CBS唱片公司旗下,並發行了他們第一張的專輯《Odessey and Oracle》。人要走背運的時候,真的會是什麼狗屎狀況都有,這張專輯名稱中的Odyssey,竟然被封套設計師給拼錯了。這在華人的觀念中,搞出這種飛機,那真的是霉頭觸大了。但The Zombies礙於預算經費,也只能將錯就錯的推出。果不其然,這張專輯銷售奇慘,在英國等於是全軍覆沒,連排行榜的門框都沒摸到。而不幸中的大幸是,The Zombies遇到了位伯樂 --- 美國的音樂大師AL Kooper,經由他向唱片公司極力鼓吹,專輯中的這首《Time of the Season》,才得另以單曲在美國發行。1969,這首歌突破了之前幾首已發行單曲在市場上的低迷,衝上了告示牌排行榜的第三名,但這已是The Zombies樂團解散一年以後的事了。

這首歌的特色包含了主唱獨特的嗓音,令人難忘的貝士重複小段音節 ( 有點像Ben E. King的《Stand by Me》),以及鍵盤手快速迷幻即興式的彈奏。歌詞部份,最顯著的是其中回應式的唱法,像是What's your name? (What's your name?) / Who's your daddy? (Who's your daddy?) / Is he rich? (Is he rich like me?)。

這首歌曾多次出現及被引用在各影片、電視及電台節目中。2012,英國的音樂搖滾雜誌「NME」,將此首歌列為60年代的好歌 ( best song ) 的第35名。

It's the time of the season
When the love runs high
In this time, give it to me easy
And let me try
With pleasured hands

To take you and the sun to
Promised lands
To show you every one
It's the time of the season for loving

What's your name?
(What's your name?)
Who's your daddy?
(Who's your daddy? He rich?)
Is he rich like me?

Has he taken
(Has he taken)
Any time
(Any time to show)
To show you what you need to live?
Tell it to me slowly
Tell you what?
I really want to know
It's the time of the season for loving

What's your name?
(What's your name?)
Who's your daddy?
(Who's your daddy? He rich?)
Is he rich like me?

Has he taken
(Has he taken)
Any time
(Any time to show)
To show you what you need to live?
Tell it to me slowly
Tell you what?
I really want to know
It's the time of the season for loving

台長: 流浪阿狗
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