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2014-01-27 07:40:44| 人氣2,758| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(223)Come Back When You Grow Up

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在我唸小學的時候,家裡買了一台那種落地型的電唱機。我還清楚的記得,我們小孩子可以自己做主的第一張唱片,是隨著姊姊去台北中華商場買的,為的是那首在當時紅到不行,由Bobby Vee於1961所推出的《More Than I Can Say》。不過,因那時還沒學英文,我比較喜歡聽反面由江玲唱的國語版《愛你在心口難開》。這首歌後來在1980被Leo Sayer翻唱,有「青出於藍更勝於藍」的味道。而鳳飛飛的國語版也相當的不錯聽。

Bobby Vee是出生於1943的美國搖滾歌星,根據告示牌雜誌刊述,Bobby Vee有38首歌曲進入熱門百大,而其中10首為前20名。1967年,他參加了一個名為「The Strangers」的樂團,錄製推出了這首《Come Back When You Grow Up》,獲得排行榜第三名的佳績。

當年聽這首歌時,自己也還只是個青少年,喜歡的對象相對就更年輕,故特別的有感覺。但換成現在,應該是:Don't leave, When I'm getting older。哈哈哈哈! 

Come back when you grow up, girl
You're still livin' in a paper-doll world
Livin' ain't easy, lovin's twice as tough
So come back, baby, when you grow up
You look real good like a woman now
Your mind hasn't gotten the message somehow
So if you can't take it 'n' the goin' gets rough
Come back, baby, when you grow up
I want you girl but your wide-eyed innocence
Has really messed up my mind, yeah-eah-eah
I'd rather you get your very first heartbreak
Somewhere else along the line
Come back when you grow up, girl
You're still livin' in a paper-doll world
Some day be a woman ready to love
Come back, baby, when you grow up
Come back when you grow up, girl
You've still got a lotta time left in the world
You'll some day be a woman ready to love
Come back, baby, when you grow up

台長: 流浪阿狗
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