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老歌亂談(294)Hello I Love You

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這首《Hello I Love You》是美國搖滾樂團The Doors在1968所推出的專輯〈Wating For The Sun〉中的歌曲,同年另發行單曲,獲得美國排行榜的冠軍及銷售超過百萬張的金唱片。也是The Doors首度打入英國排行榜的熱門曲 ( # 15 )。

這首歌的創作是The Doors的主唱Jim Morrison某日和鍵盤手Ray Manzarek倆人在海灘看見一位漂亮的女孩而產生的靈感,當日下午就將歌詞完成寫在記事本上。而直到三年後在錄製上述的專輯時,由於Morrison喝了太多的酒,使得錄音工作無法再進行下去,鼓手Densmore氣得放話說要退出樂團,其他團員則決定要來翻看Morrison的寫詩小記事本,並期透過他寫的內容來安撫他使他冷靜下來,而這首《Hello I Love You》也因此被挖了出來。

但不巧的是,這首歌的一些重覆小段的旋律,被指控抄襲英國樂團The Kinks主唱Ray Davis為該團所作的《All Day and All of the Night》。而The Doors的吉他手則予以否認,只說歌曲中的顫音手法,是得自於Creams樂團的《Sunshine of Your Love》(見亂談161)。但英國法庭可不這麼認為,判決這首歌曲在英國的作曲版稅,要歸於Ray Davis。

Jim Morrison也算是個傳奇性的人物,而後來因嗜酒及藥物成癮,最後被發現死在位於巴黎的公寓浴缸中,當時他才27歲。

PS:將The Kinks ─《All Day and All of the Night》的影音併貼於下,請大家也來聽聽看英國法庭的判決是否有道理。

Hello, I love you
Won't you tell me your name?
Hello, I love you
Let me jump in your game
Hello, I love you
Won't you tell me your name?
Hello, I love you
Let me jump in your game

She's walking down the street
Blind to every eye she meets
Do you think you'll be the guy
To make the queen of the angels sigh?

Hello, I love you
Won't you tell me your name?
Hello, I love you
Let me jump in your game
Hello, I love you
Won't you tell me your name?
Hello, I love you
Let me jump in your game

She holds her head so high
Like a statue in the sky
Her arms are wicked, and her legs are long
When she moves my brain screams out this song

Sidewalk crouches at her feet
Like a dog that begs for something sweet
Do you hope to make her see, you fool?
Do you hope to pluck this dusky jewel?

Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello
I want you
I need my baby
Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello 


台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(295)The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

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