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老歌亂談(1220)What's A Matter Baby ( Is It Hurting You?)

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此曲為美國義裔女歌手Timi Yuro1962所發行的歌曲,在告示牌流行榜獲得第12名的佳績。Yuro是早期白人靈魂樂 (Blue Eye Soul) 女歌手的代表人物之一,有某樂評稱 :低沉、刺耳、幾乎男性化的聲音、交錯的表達和偶爾的抽泣創造了一種引人注目的音樂存在。

Timi Yuro1959出道,雖歷經努力也累積了不少的粉絲 ( 包含貓王Presley ),但至終未能大紅大紫,推究原因,或和當時的「英倫入侵」及受限於同質女歌手Brenda Lee 有些關係。90年代,Yuro被診斷患有咽喉癌,2004病逝,享年63歲。


以下另貼Del Shannon的翻唱版,這位老兄從事音樂沒幾年,即在1961以一首《Runaway》成名,與Yuro情況類似,也是英國樂團入侵美國的受害者,未能再創事業的高峰。有憂鬱症及酗酒的問題,1990在家以來福槍轟頭身亡 ( 尊重生命,請撥打1995 ),享年55歲。Shannon的許多歌曲都充滿了吶喊,感覺想要一吐情感或是生活中的挫折和無奈,像是位悲情歌手,未料他的人生也是以悲劇收場。

在感情的世界,你辜負了別人,也可能有人會辜負你。此首《寶貝怎麼了 (有傷到你了嗎?)》,即是現世報的最好寫照。



I know the reason youve been crying
Oh yes I heard she wont be needing you
How does it feel being the one left behind
What's a matter baby is it hurting you
I know you found out she's been cheating
And I heard she even told you she was untrue
How does it feel being on the outside looking in
What's a matter baby is it hurting you
Remember when I needed you so bad
Remember what you had to say
You told me to find another shoulder to cry on
Then you laughed
You laughed and you walked away
I know that youve been asking about me
And I'm sorry but I've got somebody new
Now my hurting is just about over
But baby it's just starting for you!
Fade with comments like what's a matter baby and
Do you remember how you hurt me, child


台長: 流浪阿狗
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