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2019-05-23 16:24:44| 人氣1,434| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(920)So Sad(To Watch Good Love Go Bad)

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此曲為艾佛利兄弟 ( The Everly Brothers ) 二重唱的哥哥Don Everly所寫,收錄在二兄弟1960的專輯《It's Everly Time》中,並另作單曲發行,成績相當不錯,除了在多個鄉村榜排名前10,在告示牌流行榜也高掛第7名。


艾佛利兄弟在美國二重唱團體中佔有一席重要的地位。對於台灣三、四年級的歌友來說,多首他們的歌曲,像是《All I Have To Do Is Dream》《Let It Be Me》等均能朗朗上口。弟弟Phil Everly於2014因慢性阻塞性肺病過世 ( 74歲 ),兄弟倆的美好合聲也自此成為了絕響,令人惋惜!


亂談(258)Crying In The Rain
亂談(101)Cathy's Clown

We used to have good times together
But now I feel them slip away
It makes me cry to see love die
So sad to watch good love go bad
Remember how you used to feel, dear?
You said nothing could change your mind
It breaks my heart to see us part
So sad to watch good love go bad
Is it any wonder
That I feel so blue
When I know for certain
That I'm losing you
Remember how you used to feel, dear?
You said nothing could change your mind
It breaks my heart to see us part
So sad to watch good love go bad
So sad to watch good love go bad

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(921)I Love You More and More Every Day
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(919)Little Town Flirt

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