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老歌亂談(919)Little Town Flirt

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Del Shannon於1960才初與唱片公司簽約,1961即以一首《Run Away》躍上排行榜的冠軍。接著於1962再推出此首《Little Town Flirt》,成績亦相當的亮眼,在告示牌排行榜停留了14週,最高達到了第12名。另,在愛爾蘭和澳洲則是冠軍曲,英國 ( #4 )、紐西蘭 ( #7 )、加拿大 ( #9 )。

此時期的Del Shannon才華洋溢,1964又以《Keep Search'》打進排行榜的第9名 ( UK / #3 ),更顯得意氣風發。可惜好景不常,60年代中期,開始受到了「英倫入侵」的影響,Del Shannon雖未因此被擊潰,但歌唱事業始終無法再現輝煌,不僅開始酗酒,也得了憂鬱症,1990,在家中以來福槍自轟,終結了自己的生命 (55歲)。

根據康橋字典的翻譯,Flirt- to behave as if sexually attracted to someone, although not seriously。中文意思是「調情」「打情罵俏」。小鎮來了個喜歡和人打情罵俏的女生,令很多男人都難以抗拒 ( 自以為可擄獲芳心?),而若不能看清女生只是「遊戲人間」的心態,最後的結果就是成了個受傷的傻瓜。時下許多特種營業酒店的「剝皮妹」,或是假藉美色以網路交友來詐財的,應該都類似像是歌曲中的Flirt吧!

亂談(221) Runaway

亂談(276) Keep Searchin'

Here she comes
Little town flirt
You're falling for her
And you're gonna get hurt
Yeah, I know it's so hard to resist
The temptation of her tender red lips
But you can hurt, hurt
Yeah, you can get hurt
Foolin' around
With that little town flirt
Here she comes
With that look in her eye
She plays around
With every guy that goes by
Yeah, I know she's gonna treat you wrong
So your heart just better be strong
'Cause you can hurt, hurt
Yeah, you can get hurt
Foolin' around
With that little town flirt
I know how you feel
You think her love is real
You think this time she'll be since
But you think you've got a paper heart
When she starts to tear it apart
That's when she'll let you go, whoa, whoa, whoa
Here she comes
Just look at that style
She's looking at you
Giving you that smile
Yeah, I know she's gonna treat you wrong
So your heart just better be strong
'Cause you can hurt, hurt
Yeah, you can get hurt
Foolin' around
With that little town flirt
You better run and hide now boy
You better pass her by, now, yeah, boy
You better run and hide now, yeah, boy
You better pass her by

台長: 流浪阿狗
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