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老歌亂談(918)Hand To Hold On To

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人生的際遇很奇妙,有時會像是坐雲霄飛車,看似低盪的掉落谷底,卻又忽然的衝向天際高峰。1982,美國歌手John Mellencamp ( 之前的藝名為John Cougar ) 在錄《American Fool》專輯時,據他的製作人事後爆料,某日錄音室來了位穿粉紅襯衫的老兄 ( 應該是唱片公司的高層人物 ),在聽了他們所錄的歌曲後,覺得非常不滿意 ( 公司原本要求他們錄一張類似Neil Diamond風格的專輯 ),當場揚言要換製作人,並希望John Mellencamp之後不要再出現 ( 意思是不再續約 ),這的確是頗令人尷尬和難過的場面。幸好公司後來內部開會決定,專輯可繼續錄,但條件是要再聽聽看其他的新歌。

唱片公司萬萬未料到,此張《American Fool》專輯發行後,在告示牌專輯排行榜的冠軍位置待了9週,John Mellencamp也因專輯中的一首《Hurts So Good》,奪得了一座「最佳搖滾男歌手」的葛萊美獎,歌唱事業也自此得到了突破。

John Mellencamp和製作人都認為,專輯中有3首好歌,除了前述的《Hurts So Good》外,尚有《Jack & Diane》( #1 )及本篇所介紹的《Hand To Hold On To》( #19 )。其實Mellencamp在此時期有多首歌曲的曲風都滿相似的,包含清亮的吉他主奏和bam-bam-bam的重節奏鼓聲,同專輯中的《Danger List》《China Girl》亦是,也都還不錯聽。

不太確定歌名「Hand To Hold On To」該如何翻譯,而這應該是首勵志歌曲。


亂談(885)Danger List

You can laugh and joke and make fun of your friends
Spin in the middle when the troubles begin
Take it nice and easy and always pretend
That you're cool, so cool, so cool
Say I'm alone and I'm wild and I will not be tamed
Talk like a jerk or an educated brain
Be an old girl drivin' the young boys insane
Be a joker, a preacher, it does not matter
Every one needs a hand to hold on to
Every one needs a hand to hold on to
Don't need to be no strong hand
Don't need to be no rich hand
Every one just needs a hand to hold on to
Havin' good luck with your financial situation
Play the ponies, be president of the United Nations
Go to work and be a Hollywood stud
Drive your four-wheel drive right into the mud, yeah
And then those hours when you're alone
And there's no body there except yourself
I know it, you wanna pick up the phone
And say, "Talk to me, talk to me
Somebody please talk to me"
Yeah... ah... ah... ahhh
Oh, yeah... ah

台長: 流浪阿狗
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