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老歌亂談(486)Playground In My Mind

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人生的際遇真的很奇妙,有時看人中了個「大獎」,大家都羨慕得要死,他自己卻悶悶不樂,因為這個獎並不是他真正想要的。對Clint Holmes來說,這首《Playground In My Mind》( 心中的樂園 ) 大概也像是這種情況。

Clint Holmes出生於英國的Bournemouth,幼時搬回紐約的水牛城。由於母親是爵士樂及英文歌劇的歌唱家,受其影響之下,Holmes自學生時期即開始唱歌。越戰期間,投入軍旅並在軍中合唱團待了三年。退伍後正式展開其歌唱事業,在華盛頓特區及美國東岸一帶的夜店走唱。

某晚Holmes在巴哈馬的天堂島 ( Paradise Island ) 作秀,受到了歌曲作家及唱片製作人Paul Vance的注意,並告知Holmes他和搭檔Lee Pockriss手頭有些歌並正在尋找演唱人,也認為Holmes將會表現得非常出色。是故,Holmes回去後不久就去見了Paul Vance,Vance高度推薦此首《Playground In My Mind》,並且心中也已有了製作定見 ( 要由Paul Vance 9歲的兒子一起參與副歌的錄唱 )。Holmes知道後坦白表示,他其實較中意另一首《There's No Future in My Future》。而最後的決議是兩首歌都錄 ( 正反面 ),到時再來看哪一首會勝出。


這也算是一首「療癒」歌曲,在日常生活中遇到了挫折,藉由回憶童年的快樂美好時光,來獲得暫時的心靈慰藉。Holmes其實並不想被定位為童謠 ( nursery rhyme ) 歌手,故不諱言此曲反而讓他有些受傷。在心結難解之下,也很少演唱此曲來推銷自己,再加上Holmes之後並無其他成功的暢銷曲,這也或是大家雖然還記得這首《Playground In My Mind》,卻很難想得起原唱者是誰的原因吧!

陳淑樺 & 林祖成 1978華視

When this old world gets me down
And there's no love to be found
I close my eyes and soon I find
I'm in a playground in my mind
Where the children laugh and the children play
And we sing a song all day
"My name is Michael, I got a nickel
I got a nickel, shiny and new
I'm gonna buy me all kinds of candy
That's what I'm gonna do"
See the little children
Living in a world that I left behind
Happy little children
In the playround in my mind
Oh the wonders that I find
In the playground in my mind
In a world that used to be
Close your eyes and follow me
Where the children laugh and the children play
And we sing a song all day
"My girl is Cindy
When we get married, we're gonna have a baby or two
We're gonna let them visit their grandma
That's what we're gonna do"
"My name is Cindy
When we get married, were gonna have a baby or two
We're gonna let them vist their grandma
That's what we're gonna do"
See the little children
See how they're playing so happy
In the playround in my mind
Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
La la la la la la la

台長: 流浪阿狗
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