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老歌亂談(738)Even The Bad Times Are Good

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成立於1958的英國樂團The Tremelomes,原團名為Brian Poole And TheTremelomes,真可謂是出師不利,才初次出現在媒體,就被「東倫敦日報」將團名給拼錯了 ( Tremelomes拼成了Tremolomes )。1962,Decca唱片公司為了徵選熱門打擊樂團,找了兩個年輕的團體來試唱,Brian Poole And TheTremelomes即為其中之一,結果打敗了另個試唱團體The Beatles而獲得一紙合約。理由是The Beatles出身利物浦,而Brian Poole And TheTremelomes為出自大城市的倫敦,應較易被歌迷們所接受。

在Decca期間,Brian Poole And TheTremelomes確也有幾首翻唱歌像是《Twist and Shout》《Candy Man》等進入英國排行榜,但並無何顯著性的突破。1966,Brian Poole離團單飛,樂團正式改名為The Tremelomes,接著也轉入CBS唱片公司旗下。

在The Tremelomes所有的歌曲中,台灣歌友最熟悉的,應該就是1967翻唱The Four Seasons的《Silence Is Golden》了。此首《Even The Bad Times Are Good》也是The Tremelomes的熱門暢銷曲,1967在英國排行榜獲得第4名。

1970,The Tremelomes雖然先錄了《Yellow River》,但嫌歌曲太「東方流行」味,而先發行了另首《By The Way》。結果被Christie樂團搶得先機,Christie版的《Yellow River》成為了國際暢銷曲。而就算未錯失此曲,此時的The Tremelomes在流行歌壇的成就,早已差當年試唱時的手下敗將 --- The Beatles十萬八千里遠了。

La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
There are times in this life of mine
I think that the sun forgot how to shine
But as long as you're always there
It don't bother me 'cos why should I care
When all I've gotta do
Is run to you
Even the bad times are good
Soon as I get to you baby
you just gotta hold me
And even the bad times are good,
Even the bad times are good
Soon as I get to you baby
you just gotta kiss me
And even the bad times are good
La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
When the day seems to drag along
And all that I do is workin' out wrong
Still I find that I never cry
As long as I know that you're standing by
Then all I've gotta do
Is run to you
Even the bad times are good .....

La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
There are times in this life of mine
I think that the sun forgot how to shine
But as long as you're always there
It don't bother me 'cos why should I care
When all I've gotta do
Is run to you
Even the bad times are good
Soon as I get to you baby
you just gotta hold me
And even the bad times are good,
Even the bad times are good
Soon as I get to you baby
you just gotta kiss me
And even the bad times are good
La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
When the day seems to drag along
And all that I do is workin' out wrong
Still I find that I never cry
As long as I know that you're standing by
Then all I've gotta do
Is run to you

Even the bad times are good .....

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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