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老歌亂談(737)Here Comes That Rainy Day Feeling Again

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成立於1963的英國樂團The Fortunes,至1965以一首《You've Got Your Troubles》打進美國排行榜 ( #7 ),而成為國際知名的樂團。此首《Here Comes That Rainy Day Feeling Again》則是該團第三首打進美國排行榜前40名的歌曲 ( #15 / 1971 )。

The Fortunes的成功,與一艘以海上的船為發射基地的海盜廣播電台 --- Radio  Croline有很大的關係。因而引起該團的經理Reginald Calvert的興趣與仿傚,也利用二戰時在泰晤士河口所建的軍事保壘,做為其海盜電台的基地。後來與原為競爭對手的海盜廣播業者Oliver Smedley合作,卻因新置的發射器等產生爭執。某日Reginald Calvert去到Oliver Smedley的住所,卻遭到Smedley槍擊身亡,結果Smedley以自我防衛被無罪開釋,時為1966年。若Reginald Calvert未如此早逝,The Fortunes之後的成績不知是否會更好一些?

Maunsell Forts ─ 以發明者

Reginald Calvert ( 左圖 ) Oliver Smedley ( 右 )

Oliver Smedley獲判無罪及訴訟費的賠償

The Fortunes至今仍有表演,唯其中團員幾經更迭,除了主唱Rod Allen一直堅守其崗位,直至其於2008過世 ( 63歲 )。此曲除了被Sonny & Cher翻唱 ( 收錄於其1972的專輯《All I Ever Need Is You》中 ),也出現在1981的美國冠軍曲《Stars On 45》的延長版中。

The Fortunes (1962) Rod Allen ( 右 )

Here comes that rainy day feeling again,
And soon my tears will be falling like rain.
It always seems to be a Monday,
Leftover memories of Sunday
Always spent with you.
Before the clouds appeared,
And took away my sunshine.

Here comes that rainy day feeling again,
And I'll be dreaming of you baby in vain.
Your face is always on my mind, girl
I'm hoping you're soon gonna find, girl
Your way back to me
'Cause if you'll say you'll stay
The rainy days will go away...

Misty morning eyes,
I'm trying to disguise the way I feel.
But I just can't hide it.
People seem to know,
The loneliness will show.
I'm thinking of my pride
But breaking up inside, girl.

Whoa-oa-oa, here comes that rainy day feeling again.
And soon my tears,
They will be falling like rain.
It always seems to be a Monday.
Left over memories of Sunday,
Always spent with you,
Before the clouds appeared, and took away my sunshine.
Here comes that rainy day feeling again.
Here comes that rainy day feeling again.
Here comes that rainy day feeling again...

台長: 流浪阿狗
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