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老歌亂談(739)Take It Easy

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英國樂團Alan Price Rhythm and Blues Combo成立於1958,至1962Eric Burdon加入成為主唱後不久,才改名為The Animals。The Animals也是60年代中期大舉入侵美國,即所謂的「英倫入侵 ( British Invasion )」的樂團之一。其最知名的代表作應非《House Of The Rising Sun》莫屬,可惜因團員間的爭執及出走,樂團於1968解散。

或許由於The Animals在熱門音樂界已享有盛名,縱使Eric Burdon之後重組樂團,也難以割捨此團名,仍稱之為Eric Burdon and the Animals。1975─1976及1983,The Animals的原團員曾作短暫的復合。之後又於1992重組迄今,但其中的老團員只剩鼓手一人,而且少了主唱Eric Burdon,恐怕再也唱不出當年The Animals的味道了。

此首《Take It Easy》為Eric Burdon於1982演出屬於他的半自傳電影《Comeback》中的插曲 ( 同年也發行了電影原聲帶的同名專輯 )。或許由於歌喉高亢具爆發力,Eric Burdon頗喜歡唱偏藍調曲風的歌曲,像曾翻唱的《Bring It on Home to Me》、《It's All Over Now Baby Blue》,就都唱得頗有味道。

歌曲撞名本也無以為怪,《Take It Easy》讓人首想到的應該是Eagles的歌,妙的是The Animals也有一首同名歌,卻是完全不同的歌曲。


Take it easy loving me
Don't start thinking
I'm something I'll never be
Why don't you need me
Just as much as need be
Take it easy, easy,
Loving me

Many's the women who cries
Herself crazy at night
Over some kind of man
She claims ain't treating her right
Expecting of someone is quick
To be taking it's toll
And if you're not careful baby
You'll end up cold and alone
Listen to me

We all spend time planning on things
We feel we must do
Ah, but sooner or later
We all play the part of a fool
Those in a hurry to unpack
Their bagful of dreams
Are quick to fall victim to the lies
And the hurt and the schemes
So listen to me baby when I tell you

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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