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老歌亂談(805)Tryin' to Get to You

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此曲於1954由華盛頓地區的R&B合唱團體The Eagles ( 非1971於洛杉磯成立的搖滾樂團Eagles )首錄發行。次年,貓王Elvis Presley也錄唱此曲,不過,貓王前後共錄了5個版本,而只有1955年7月錄製的第2個版本,有在他的生前發行。另有趣的是,收錄在1999發行的專輯《Sunrise》中的版本,貓王捨棄較拿手的吉他而自彈鋼琴,卻被製作人認為彈奏的不夠水準,將該部份完全消音。

在貓王的版本之後,亦有多位翻唱者,像是:Roy Orbison with The Teen Kings、Ricky Nelson及Johnny Rivers等等。而Paul McCartney依據此曲,將之改編成另首《In Spite of All the Danger》,也是The Beatles合唱團的前身---The Quarrymen所正式錄製的第一首歌曲。

The Quarrymen

美國歌手藝人Phil Seymour1980的版本。(1993死於淋巴癌,享年41歲。)

《Tryin’ to Get to You》
I've been traveling over mountains
Even through the valleys, too
I've been traveling night and day
I've been running all the way
Baby, trying to get to you.

Ever since I read your letter
Where you said you loved me true
I've been traveling night and day
I've been running all the way
baby, trying to get to you

When I read your loving letter
Then my heart began to sing
There were many miles between us,
But they didn't mean a thing.

I just had to reach you, baby,
In spite of all that I've been through.
I kept traveling night and day,
I kept running all the way,
Baby, trying to get to you.

Well if I had to do it over
That's exactly what I'd do,
I would travel night and day,
And I'd still run all the way,
Baby, trying to get to you.

Well, there's nothing that could hold me
Or that could keep me away from you
When your loving letter told me
That you really loved me true

Lord above me knows I love you
It was He who brought me through,
When my way was dark as night,
He would shine His brightest light,
When I was trying to get to you.

台長: 流浪阿狗
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