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老歌亂談(623)Blue Moon of Kentucky

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此首《Blue Moon of Kentucky》為美國藍草音樂家Bill Monroe所寫,於1947和他的樂隊The Bluegrass Boys共同錄唱。所謂「藍草音樂」的曲風是由Bill Monroe所創造的,「藍草」的命名即是取自於其樂隊的名稱,而Bill Monroe則被稱為是「藍草音樂之父」。

難以否認的是,此曲應是由貓王Elvis Presley於1954的翻唱,將原來的華爾滋 ( Waitz ) 改為搖擺樂 ( Rockabilly ),才廣泛的受到大眾的注意。之後的翻唱者包含了有Pasty Cline、Ray Charles、Paul McCartney、Vince Gill、Alan Jackson、George Jones及John Fogerty等等。

2003,Bill Monroe的版本,被「美國國會圖書館」所屬的「國家錄音登記處 ( National Recording Registry ) 」選為永久保存的歌曲。此曲也被美國「鄉村音樂電視 (CMT)」在歷來100首最佳的鄉村歌曲中排名第11。


Blue moon of Kentucky keep on shining
Shine on the one that's gone and proved untrue
Blue moon of Kentucky keep on shining
Shine on the one that's gone and left me blue

It was on a moonlight night
The stars were shining bright
And they whispered from on high
Your love has said good-bye

Blue moon of Kentucky keep on shining
Shine on the one that's gone and said good-bye

Blue moon of Kentucky keep on shining
Shine on the one that's gone and proved untrue
Blue moon of Kentucky keep on shining
Shine on the one that's gone and left me blue

It is on a moonlight night
The stars shining bright
They whispered from high
Your love has said good-bye

Blue moon of Kentucky keep on shining
Shine on the one that's gone and said good-bye

台長: 流浪阿狗
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